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Hope everyone had/is having good holidays! Mine have been a bit stressful, not least because things are feeling not quite how they should at my surgery site and it doesn't feel nice o.O;; Doc says it's nothing to worry about and should resolve itself, but lemme tell you, at times like this the internet is not your friend and I learned that the hard way, so I'm a bit paranoid that I might explode at any moment. But! I had festive good times to distract from things like that, mostly XD;; I did get a couple huge books to read, so that should help too (Herodotus' entire works of history, and Don Quixote)!

But anyway, enough blogging--I wanted to share this new piece I'm working on, starring yet another cute cartoon redhead: Misty! She's a bit moist at the moment, seeing as she's drooling, tearing up, and wet down below too! They don't call her a water-type trainer for nothing, right? ;)




A wonderful & perfect water misty


This is going to be a good one! Also, stay positive, you'll be feeling better soon.


Thank you! I think I made stupid decisions within my first days after surgery and that's maybe what caused this issue to come up. I just cannot make myself lie still like I was supposed to and maybe I need to do some of that now XD;;


You're not really supposed to be able to catch a trainer with a pkeball, but a pkeball-gag will get the job done. Is she shiny?