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Two ninja spies have been caught in a trap! After a long course of humiliation and captivity, they're just been sold to the highest bidders--separately! Now they're being dragged off and straining at their leashes, but that only entices their new owners more, as they think of the work ahead to train these two :P I know I'd wanna start off with a firm spanking, and then from there, who knows?

The main image is the 'clean' version that I'll post publicly a while from now--the other two are the 'definitive' versions, hehe. Hope you enjoy! <3




Wonder where the panties went? :D


I like the panties version because it means their ultimate degradation is still awaiting them and it's obvious that they know it. Love the emotion in this piece, the terror of being captured, the dread of knowing what awaits, and the experience of being so suddenly separated from one another like this (possibly forever), as their companionship has been all they haven't had taken away at this point, makes this a powerful piece that's overflowing with the essence of DID.


I love this tape bondage so much


awesome !


Probably being used as gag-stuffers! Only question is whether they're gagged with their own, or each other's! ;)


Oh, that's an interesting way of looking at the censored version! The other parts you mentioned were definitely an essential part of why I didn't wanna wait to draw this once I had the idea, hahaha. So glad you appreciate the concept! :D


First of all, now I finally know the word 'gag-stuffer' thank you :D And, yes, I really hope this mystery will be solved rather sooner then later, my personal opinion is they used each other's panties to shut them up more effectively ^^