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Here's the teaser for the finished damsel of the month drawing! Azula's certainly looking hot under the collar, huh? If you're a top tier patron you should soon be receiving the full image in your inbox. Be sure to check spam folders. Oh! And I'm going to Montreal in a few hours until the 26th so if you don't see the email, it might take me a bit to get back to you to trouble shoot the problem :)

So yeah, I'm gonna be gone for a bit! Seeing Rammstein tomorrow :D While I'm gone I may not have time to post on here, but I'll get right back to it once I return! But I'll probably be able to post at least one thing while I'm away. If you're a new patron and you're seeing this and wondering 'hey I just signed up but can't find such-and-such bundle or comic,' don't worry! I send out links via email to the most important patron rewards, so as soon as I have the time (or return from Montreal) I'll send you links to what you're looking for! <3



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