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And now it's time for some more under-appreciated damsel bondage! This is Lilymon from the first series of Digimon. I always found her cute, and as I was casting about for a gal to draw who isn't normally seen in kinky smut like this, I realized that she actually looks similar to Mina Ashido from My Hero Academia (one of my favourite gals). Pink skin/'hair,' black eyes, little yellow thing(s) sticking out of head, same sassy, bubbly personality! I guess I had some weird fixations that followed me from being super young all the way to now, lol

Anyway, hope that more people than just me are eager to see the end result of this ;) More Digimon characters to come, most likely!

Oh, and in other news... a long-time friend of mine sent me a nudie shot today. When I complimented her and asked if I could draw it and post the result, she agreed. So for those of you who like it when I occasionally draw 'realistically,' there's more of that to come soon! ;)



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