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Here are my Patreon plans for June!

Poll (Vote on a classic artwork I should kink-ify): Patrons will vote amongst several classical artworks that I should be able to make into kinky bondage art! That's right, nothing is safe from Rule 34--not even old masterpieces! I've previously done this with the Venus de Milo and Domenichino's Saint John the Evangelist, but there are definitely more artworks out there I could see adding some rope to! ;) The winning pose will be drawn next month, and I may or may not also throw up a quick poll after the first one to determine which character to use, although I'm leaning towards just using Anna and Rebecca. The idea may sound weird, but trust me, I think the result will be pretty cool :P

If you have any suggestions on artworks that could be kink-ified, let me know and I may add them to the poll! I'm ideally looking for relatively simple ideas to copy that aren't explicitly sexual before I get my hands on them, so you'll have to hold off on suggesting Hieronymus Bosch or HR Giger, lol

Miscellaneous Dirty Ideas Bundle: May saw two works getting pretty much finished, so next month will be a bit slower here. I will be drawing the sequence panels of Hinata and Himawari being maneuvered into position by their captors (complete with degrading dialogue!), and then towards the end of the month I'll get people to vote on which of my nasty ideas to do next, giving only the scenarios to choose from, and keeping the characters secret ;) If I'm lucky I should be able to get a sketch out from whatever option wins. With half the bundle finished, I hesitate to get into the next half because all the rest of the ideas are really intricate, featuring at least five characters each, which will take ages. After all, the last two I've drawn have each had 4 characters, and those took long enough already!

 The process on these last 5 works will take longer than the others, but trust me, it will be very worth it. Some of your favourite characters may be coming up soon depending on how you vote in the poll in late June ;)

PS, for the people who wanted a panty-mask variant of the Hinata/Himawari thing--if I do it, it will likely be towards the end of June. That way I can work on the poll winner and the in-progress things that I haven't finished yet!

Anna & Rebecca comic: Next month's progress in the comic will cover Rebecca getting lubed up and ready to go! She's still not aware of her surprise, and if I work hard she'll get it in June ;) The teasing will come to a climax!

Some Upcoming Commissions/Other Drawings: I'll be finishing up the 6-girl g@gged portrait series with all the Naruto characters, as well as that lovely drawing of Chondra showing off her hula-hooping abilities (thanks for voting for that pose, everyone!). I've also gotta get that drawing of Rebecca in the nose hook and jennings gag finished... so basically, I'll be wrapping up a lot of already-started works! But I'm also doing a drawing of Junko Miyaji from FLCL. She's a school teacher, and the plan is to get her into some serious bondage in her classroom ;) More ideas are sure to follow, so who knows what else June may bring!


Hope you're all as excited for June's eXXXtra-spicy patron rewards as I am! Is there anything you're particularly excited for? Any kinks you hope to see? Let me know!

And as always, thank you all so much for your awesome support! I hope to see you guys stick around for next month. It'll be lots of fun for both you, and my lovely damsels too! ;)



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