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Hello, everyone! 

So, going off of the feedback I asked for a few days ago, I decided that next month it would be good to pick a damsel to be put in strict latex bondage! Leave comments below as to which character you'd love to see immobilized in that tight, sleek material (please only one suggestion per person)! I think I may include a sequence to go with it too. And next month, I'll take the characters you suggested and put them into a poll so you can vote for your favourite option! I will draw the winner as March's featured damsel in distress :D

ALSO: I sent out emails to the $10 patrons yesterday. Had to re-send it due to an issue, so be sure to check your emails associated with your Patreon accounts! Let me know if you didn't get it.

Eager to hear what you all suggest! Thanks so much for contributing! Oh, and if you have any latex-centric suggestions to help me spice up whatever drawing results from next month's poll, feel free to comment that as well


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