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Hey all! Thank you so much for voting in this month's poll! Amongst the many neglected women, you all voted for Audrey Ramirez from Disney's Atlantis!

And as is often the case when a character wins as damsel of the month, I have no idea what to do with her! Thanks in part to a suggestion from one of you, I've decided to bring in Helga to dominate the lovely Hispanic heroine, but apart from that... drawing a blank! If anyone would like to throw out suggestions, I'd be happy to hear from you in the comments! Though I can't promise I'll go with suggestions, I've definitely been swayed by them before! ;)

But yeah, some time during this month, the adorable, sexy Audrey is gonna be drawn in strict bondage, under the control of the iron-fisted Helga, so you've got that to look forward to!

Again, thanks to everyone for voting and making the poll such a tight race! <3


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