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As I mentioned at the start of this month, I was invited to have my artwork be part of a kinky art exhibition in Hamburg, Germany! The curator for the show asked me to give permission for him to show the final panel of my "Getting Better" Valentine's comic from 2018. When I looked at it again, I realized that... it kinda sucks XD I mean, that's kind of how I always feel about work I did 2+ years ago, honestly! 

So now I'm getting to work on re-drawing it so it's at least good enough that I won't cringe when I look at it, hehe. I did the sketch, and you can kinda compare it to the original finished work. As you can see, I adjusted the anatomy of the two girls, and made sure that they actually took up the proper amount of space on the bed instead of looking tiny. Also added some furniture :P




Oh I love that comic so much. It's so wholesome and heartwarming. The sketch of the new version looks great. I actually didn't notice the imperfections of the original version up until you mentioned them. But we all are our worst critics ^^ Do you mind sharing more about the kinky art exhibition in Hamburg? Sounds like something to keep an eye out for.


Oh, thanks a bunch! Hope you don't mind me tinkering with something you love, haha. And yeah I'm definitely my own worst critic... it just takes a few months before I start to notice mistakes in the work I do, lol Sure! I don't know that much yet because the project is in progress, but basically this kinky couple is trying to set up a BDSM Museum, which will be a combination of gallery/history/kink education stuff. They already have the exhibition space picked and are hoping to open in March 2022, with the exhibition being in April. They haven't made the museum's address public yet since they don't have the space yet. Their website is here: https://bdsm-museum.de/en/ German cities tend to have one or two quirky sex-related museums, so hopefully this one takes off! But anything can happen between now and April 2022, so I'm holding my breath 'til the show is actually up. I really hope it turns out well though!


I really dont think the original sucks but this one already looks like its got some much finer detail. You are way too hard on yourself with your older work!


Yeah, that's probably too harsh a word! But still... it could be better, so I might as well try to see if I can improve on it before it goes on a gallery wall! :P Thanks, by the way ^^


Holy crap that’s awesome!!! Would love to see it in person but we’ll have to settle for the online form! Regardless, congrats!!