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Previous coloured pages here: https://www.patreon.com/geknebelt?filters[tag]=Coloured%20A%2BR%20Comic

Folder for coloured Prologue/Ch. 1: https://mega.nz/folder/nYVmlDZI#uzwk2diQsLCHOxRbzdJ91A

I changed the dialogue a bit in the first two panels! This way it sets up the vibrator gift joke a little better. Also, I hope the lighting makes sense! In the first panels it's dark 'cause they're in a shaded street, and then in the third panel they're going into a cafe with the sun hitting it. 

Trying to give the outside some realistic atmosphere, haha. I'm doing that whole 'going from light to dark' thing again, since Rebecca's gonna be exploring her 'dark side' again very soon! :P

Hopefully it was worth the extra effort! 




The colour change works really well. I can't help wondering if Rebecca broke the vibrator being too enthusiastic with it...


Why do their mouths remind me of the simpsons?


Hopefully that's not a bad thing! If anything it might be the way that the mouths kind of cut into their face while viewed from the side. It's kind of an anime-style thing to do as well--hope it's not distracting, haha


Thanks! Haha yeah, from Anna's expression she's probably thinking the same thing!


I miss casual outings😭


Haha yeah, it's weird going through this part of the comic now! When I scripted and drew it, everything was still normal ^^; Fortunately in my area casual outings are kinda back, though we still have indoor mask mandates.


Yup.. well it looks really cute