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Looks like Annie's gonna be pulling another late shift! Go ahead, struggle--it only makes your delicious rear wiggle all the more >;)

I've always kinda crushed on Annie Hughes, and it was a lot of fun to finally draw her. But she's got so many cute outfits in The Iron Giant, that I may not be done with her yet! Then again I say that about all of my favourite animated women, lol. There's only so much time on my hands, and too many damsels to choose from!

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy seeing this underrated babe bound and displayed!




Mmm, sexy :D

Teodor Vazquez

Looks pretty sexy damsel ☺️👍


This movie has always been near the top of my watchlist and I really need to see it eventually. All my sources tell me it's something special.


Yeah, you definitely do need to watch it! Probably won't have the same impact seeing it for the first time as an adult, but it's still one of my top animated movies.


Cute and sexy