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All previous inked pages can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/geknebelt/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=anna%20rebecca%20story

And that's a wrap for Chapter 2! 58 pages is definitely too much but I got pretty lost during the kink scene, lol. I really wanted to spend a long time with the kinky stuff! 

Alsooooo here's the hook for chapter 3! The third chapter is mostly gonna be character-building stuff/dialogue but it'll kick off with some kink. And then chapter 4 will be the big finale, and then the first 'volume' of the comic will be done! :D Next week I'll start uploading coloured pages for chapter 2.

Chapter 2 here is likely to be the longest chapter in the whole thing, so we've crossed the big hump! Thank you all so much for supporting me and allowing me to do this. I never would've been able to bring this comic idea to life without you guys. <3




Yep, she's definitely weirder than she thought, from the "current day" pictures of the two of them playing it's clear that Past Rebecca has no freaking idea just how weird she really is :D I really enjoyed this chapter, it's fun seeing a more innocent Rebecca discovering herself


I'm so thankful for your feedback, and happy you enjoyed the chapter! Yeah, right now she's kind of working out if the power dynamic of her relationship is something she even wants. I'll be exploring that a lot more throughout the next chapter. I just hope nobody gets bored by it ^^; It will define the course of the story for the next while, in any case! :D