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All previous inked pages can be found here: https://www.patreon.com/geknebelt/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=anna%20rebecca%20story

This is one of those pages where, without colour, it's hard to 'read' what's going on. I'm going to colour red marks in the corner of Rebecca's mouth to indicate strap burn. The first ballgag I ever got was this really cheap yellow one, and it always cut into my mouth when I used it, haha. It wasn't until later that I bought one of those gags where the material of the ball extends out past the mouth.

This is what I mean: https://bondagegear2000.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/360559_980a524d926f465aa02e0a4d9dcb5383.jpg

 They're SO much better, lol. Anyway, thought I'd bring that little anecdote into this comic here :D Anywho, Rebecca was either too lost in sub-space or too timid to let Anna know about the minor discomfort. I'm sure the other sensations she was feeling overwhelmed it anyway!




Yeah, I can well believe she wouldn't want to break the immersion by fussing with little details. Once the moment goes it's hard to get it back again