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Got this commission recently! Jessica Jones and Buffy the Vampire Slayer meet up, and, well, it's not exactly the friendliest encounter! I'm pretty happy with how Buffy's expression came out here, haha. It may be bondage-free, but don't worry--real bondage is coming over the following days! ;)

Okay, to explain this: The person who commissioned this is a fan of this YouTube video series called "Death Battle" which uses a cheap 3D graphics program to make random fictional characters fight each other to see who would win. So this person really wants to see these two matched up in a video. Apparently you can send in suggestions and the makers of these videos sometimes take them. So the person commissioning wanted me to link to the suggestions page and ask that people fill it out (you're not obligated of course, but if you wanna, here's the link):  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLOlKAHrl0y0BYppKsxS9XP5B3HREj8pqdOK73vx_ETpNVVg/viewform?fbclid=IwAR28lGXFwuia7Sf6h-5jg5PLO4cyhfqfmCjwl-O1nDA_as0RyBYeB0ehDlw&gxids=7628

If you do decide to fill it out--which you absolutely don't have to do, don't feel pressured--he asks that you fill out the boxes like this:  Jessica Jones, Marvel ,Buffy Summers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and name (I imagine it doesn't matter if you use a fake name lol).




Gotta admit, I have a soft spot for fan-made highly choreographed fight animations. They’re super entertaining:) As a kid, all I’d really use the internet for was to look up stuff like “shadow fights sonic” on Youtube😅