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Big thanks to everyone for all your support this month, and every other month you've supported me!  For those of you not currently pledging anything to me, but thinking about it, best to wait until the start of April to sign up. :D

Here's a look at what I'll be doing in April:

Poll: I'll be doing a combination poll, with options for both a character, and a sexy/humiliating outfit. The top-voted character will be matched up with the top-voted outfit to make April's damsel of the month! The characters listed will really play to my tastes so expect a few obscure options as well as some more notable ones!

Continuing Bundles: Of course, next month's poll/damsel of the month ties into my "Humiliating Outfits" bundle that I just started. I'll also be finishing up the drawing of Anna/Rebecca dressed as Playboy Bunnies, so that's part of the bundle too! And while the secondary, "Miscellaneous Dirty Ideas" bundle I'm working on is coming along slower, I do plan on finishing that stack of Lucky Star girls that I got started on this month! I know the Lucky Star girls aren't that popular, but I'm really eager to show you the full predicament I've put them in ;) If I have time, I'll start on other images from both bundles after I've finished the ones I've mentioned above.

Comic: By the end of April, there will only be one or two inked pages left to post in Chapter 2! I've begun colouring the beginning of it, so in May you should start to see the coloured pages popping up! I'm also starting on the script for Chapter 3. ;) Would you guys be interested in seeing excerpts of my scripts, or is it better to be surprised when I draw the pages?

Some Upcoming Commissions/Other Drawings: I didn't get around to posting that image of the hooded slave-girl like I thought I would in March, but it's definitely gonna come up in April. Same with a bondage-free commission of Jessica Jones bullying Buffy the Vampire Slayer (random, I know! XD) Marinette from the Miraculous Ladybug also gets into some bondage trouble with her friends, I'll finish colouring that image of Rebecca in a strait-jacket, and I might also get around to doing a drawing of Himawari in a humiliating bind too, if I get around to it! 


So, with all that, there's a lot to look forward too, and I hope you all enjoy seeing it come to fruition! I'm eager to get the poll going early next month and continue with these new bundles.

And as always, thank you all so much for your amazing support! I hope to see you guys stick around for next month. As always, it'll be lots of fun! :P




Ohh, Buffy? Haven't seen any art of her in ages!


Last time you saw her must've been in my other commissioned drawing of her, the one where she's nude on a bed and her body is immobilized! XD