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Wow, that was a REALLY close poll! :0

The winning yuri pairing to be drawn this month is Hermione and Ginny, by a single vote! Hey, it makes more sense than Hermione ending up with Ron... Although even if it were canon you wouldn't get to see any romantic interaction between them, while JK Rowling would continue to insist on Twitter that really, "they have an intense sexual relationship!"



I've never drawn a Harry Potter character before in all the time since I started being Geknebelt, so this should be really interesting! I'm gonna start working on ideas of the two girls having a discreet sexy encounter, maybe in the girls' dormitory or in an empty classroom ;) I'm gonna try my best to make them look like the characters from the movies even though I'll be doing my cartoon-ish style, so this might be a somewhat daunting task! o.O;; But I will have it out by month's end at the latest!

Thank you all so much for voting! This is gonna be a lot of fun. <3


John Doe

Nice to see! And yeah, really close poll. Anyway, one popular plot-device (loosley speaking) in the HP bondage smut I've seen is the Room of Requirement. (Like a Holodeck but magic) Perhaps it could serve as a neat source of ideas, with built-in in-universe justification? Anywho, looking forward to the result.


I think I'll be keeping the bondage minimal for this one, but yeah, Room of Requirement could be an option! Thanks :)


Admittedly, I actually really like Ron and Hermione as a pairing (mainly because Ron’s always been my favorite HP character). Still, I’m definitely not going to say no to a bit of kinky Hermione/Ginny fun!