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One of you lovely supporters saw my sketch of Anna and Rebecca in unique mouth-filling gags: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36238572

...and noticed that I mentioned having a list of unique gags I wanted to use in the near future. So they gave me ten characters and asked me to use my unique gags on whichever character I thought the gag suited. So yes, there will be ten of these lovely ladies from different franchise who you don't see in much fan art, each wearing a gag that you don't see too often! I hadn't heard of a single damsel in the list of ten that I was given, but I'm having fun working on them!

The first character is Dahlia Hawthorne from Ace Attorney. She's wearing a nose-hook/tongue-tie combination! The collar she's wearing is necessary so that the nose hook has something to anchor to. I read up on her and she's basically this spoiled rich brat who puts on a sweet, helpless, innocent front but can switch to being really foul-tempered and aggressive when it suits her. I figure a humiliating/painful gag would bring out her 'true self!' It's not exactly a 'gag' since it sure as hell won't stop her from yelling her head off, but at least we won't be able to understand a thing she's saying with her tongue held out like that XD

The following images for this I'll probably post in clumps of a few at a time, but just thought I'd post this first one by itself as a tease of what's to come!



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