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Started doodling yesterday and made this sketch of Rebecca with her mouth being stretched open (first panel). I was really happy with how it turned out so decided to make a sequence. I've also been really into women wearing medical masks lately and figured this was a good way to put it to use. ;)

If I think of something I might do a full image showing Rebecca's whole situation to go with it :P




That's some fine detail work!


A 'hidden in public' kind of picture would be pretty cool, I guess


Thanks a bunch! Honestly I should be working on commissions but as soon as I got started on this, I got a bee in my bonnet about it and now I can't stop :P


I agree! And I think I've just come up with something that would satisfy that fetish ;) No idea when I'll come back to work on this though.


Oh my cant wait to see this one finished i like the sequence so far!