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Okay, so! I recently posted the last inked page of Chapter 1 of the Anna/Rebecca full-length comic. I plan on doing another two chapters for what will eventually be volume 1.

Question is, what should I work on next? I plan on fully-colouring all the pages, but obviously there's more story to draw too. So I'm asking you to vote!

Option 1 is to focus totally on colouring what I've made so far. The images will be a lot sexier with colour! Option 2 is to keep drawing uncoloured pages, taking each page to the line art stage before moving on to the next. This means the work will be less vivid but the story will progress faster.

Option 3 would mean alternating work between colouring the earlier pages while and drawing new pages. This would probably mean posting roughly one coloured page and one new inked page per week. I plan on introducing separate tags for coloured/uncoloured pages so that the story is still easy to navigate chronologically.

Option 4 is self-explanatory. Not to be biased in my own polls, but I really hope this one doesn't win, lol. It'll just mean I'll try and stick to projects other than the comic.

So please let me know what you want! Thanks in advance for your input! <3


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