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Well, everyone, I just got my power back after 36 hours of not having it (thanks Hurricane Dorian)! But I'm back and I saw the winner of this month's poll! Thanks to everyone who voted!

The winning option was "The villainess Ragyo has Ryuko on a leash, leading her around in strict, humiliating/tormenting bondage attire!"

And I gotta say, I can't wait to draw this! I love strict BDSM get-up, and I'm sure I can get a good response out of Ryuko in such a humiliating situation ;) I'm gonna get to work on this, and the fully-coloured version will be available to the $10 patrons who helped vote for it! Of course I'll send out the sketch for the rest of you. Thanks for voting!


Teodor Vazquez

Yeah Thats gonna be great 😁😁😁😁😁