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Hear that? It's the sound of my patrons headed for the hills. Lol.

Seriously, I'm curious what percentage of my patrons are okay or enjoy furries vs how many of you straight-up don't like it. Same deal with diapers. XD

Anywho, this is a commission I got a while ago but wanted to sorta sit on it a while so that there was more space between my previous furry post since I don't wanna over-do them, haha.




Brutal honestly? I have no problem with 50% of this picture: Using this chart https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/855/796/94f.jpg My favored level is Neko/Borderline but goes as far as 'Pretty furry' after that I just lose interest. I don't find them repellent like some people do I guess I just prefer a human face and skin instead of fur! As for diapers though my reaction is best summarised by this gif https://media.giphy.com/media/XvQXEi09zfmcE/giphy.gif I think possibly the only things i like less than diapers are guro/vore and futa...


Oh, okay! I've never seen that chart before. I'm kind of ambivalent to both furry and diaper stuff but since I take most commissions I'm cool with drawing them. I guess it was also a good call that I didn't publicly post my futa/guro commissions too, lol XD


I have no issues with this :P I think a perspective to consider with the furry and diaper aspects is that you post art like that so infrequently, that even if you aren't a fan of it personally, its not like its stopping you from seeing the art that brought you here in the first place :P


Yeah, my goal was to space out the furry posts so that I didn't alienate the people that didn't go for that kind of thing :D

Johannes Bretscher

Since you asked. I do like some furries. To me there is a connection between exotic and erotic that goes further than the words sounding similar. It is when they start losing their human features they also lose their sexieness. I still read a good comic with animal protagonists, just not for any sexy or arousing content. Diapers don't right out scare me away. As long as they are rare enough I simply ignore it. It is only when an artist gives me the impression that their main interest would be babyfication or diaper play that I start to avoid them. All of above is of course nothing else than my own personal opinion.


I see! Thanks for the feedback! I can assure you that diapers are very very rare with me, I've only done it... 3 times including this? So don't worry :D And I try to post my furry commissions far apart from each other too.