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Sorry, I should have posted this sooner!

But hey, doesn't Anna look great in a leather jacket? XP

Here we are with the second part of this month's poll winner! Part 1 is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/all-you-can-eat-24896711

This was a really fun little series to draw, so thanks for everyone who voted for it! Hope you all like it!

I already know what I'm doing for the March poll... women of Disney! XP

...Unfortunately due to Patreon's recent issue with slower payment/charging periods, I have to delay putting out the poll by a day or so. So it probably won't be until March 2nd or 3rd that I post the new poll. Keep an eye open for it and the other fun rewards I've got planned for March! :D




Oh yeah, now that's sexy! From that hand flapping it looks like Rebecca is gonna need to come up for air sometime soon though ;)


Dangit, I was gonna make a joke about Rebecca needing a snorkel! Oh well! XD;; Glad you like it!