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Hello there! I'm looking to hear from you guys this week! And any time, really! But I thought I'd just make a post specifically encouraging feedback on my Patreon. This month, for the first time, I've lost more patrons than I've gained. The exit surveys don't really leave much room for constructive criticism so I'm not sure what the decline is due to. So! If anyone has any feedback or would like to see some improvement from my end, or feel they expected more from signing up to my Patreon, please let me know and I'll do my best to improve!

Another thing I want to ask--is everyone still okay with me emailing them occasionally? And is everyone able to access the files that I've sent out via email without any issues? I sent emails out today, so be sure to check your inboxes! :)

Lastly, about the content--obviously I'm into bondage (particularly bound women) and I'm assuming all of you are as well, but since most of my work is commissioned, I sometimes get commissioned to make work that hits different kinks. Men in bondage, furries, diapers, and My Little Pony being some exaples, haha. I also got some commissions lately that are REALLY hardcore, lol. My question is, are there any fetishes that you guys never wanna see me post? And if I posted something that you really didn't like, would you remove your subscription to my work? If so, please let me know which fetishes you never want to see from me. Alternatively, if you'd be happy seeing any work that I produce, let me know that as well! :D

Hopefully everyone responds to at least some part of this... feedback... thingy. Thanks for all your support! <3




I'll throw my hat into the ring first. Emailing is fine and as to the content, I know there is plenty of stuff that i like and plenty more that i don't but as this Patreon isn't about me I don't think I should be saying "Don't post X, post Y instead" So I say post it all, no matter how niche it is ! It would take something really extreme for me to pull my subscription, generally If i don't like something I just don't look at it


As always, your feedback is appreciated! Thanks! And don't say I didn't warn ya about the hardcore stuff XP


I think first of all I would like to say that its a REALLY smart move to ask for feedback. Encouraging your fans to help you improve is a positive thing to see. From my perspective I really like your artstyle, and would have no issues with you posting more risquework. As for why you are losing patrons? Thats a tough one, however I think it could be down to your reward tiers. Most people are probably going to see that unless you are paying $10 a month, all you are getting are advanced teasers or old art. I could see someone going "hmm, I can give Geknebelt $5 and see some sketches...or I can give 5 other patrons a dollar to get their content, and just wait to see the finished sketch on his tumblr page for free instead". You might want to consider giving the lower tier patrons more of an incentive to stay around. Maybe do a monthly raffle prize where one of your patrons is chosen at random for a free commission or sketch. For every dollar they support you with, the more times their name will appear in the draw etc. It would hopefully encourge more people to take a chance on supporting you in the first place, or stay with you.I hope that makes sense!


Thank you for your feedback! I should clarify by 'more hardcore' I mean the kind of extreme stuff that immediately grosses most people out, lol XP We'll see if I come around to posting it or not, haha. And yeah, I think I agree with you about the reward tiers. I think the $2 tier is fine, but I think the $5 tier could use some beefing up for sure. A raffle is a nifty idea... it might be a bit time-intensive for me right now, so perhaps I could do sketches instead? It's something to think about. I may not be able to employ it until November or December, but it's a cool idea and definitely sounds like something that would keep people around, hoping their name comes up in the raffle each month. Thanks! :)


As for myself, I joined only this month, but don't intend to leave, because I love your work. However I agree with Bondagegirrrl about the montly raffle, it may help on keeping people around. I'm super ok with your contact by email, even if we talk on other media too. Haven't been online as much as I like these days, but always take a peek here and there. Oh, and by the way... I am one of the comissioners on the extreme/hardcore/gross stuff, if anyone else reads this. It is actually kinda sick, but it's all fantasy. I, too, hope you guys don't get disgusted and decide to leave because of me. That would make me feel SUPER bad...


Thanks for the feedback! I will try to get one raffle done for November. It probably won't happen until mid-late November though! It certainly is a nifty idea though. And don't worry, only 2 out of our 5 commissions would be considered extreme so I think I'll just post the others. :P