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Version 0.3 of "Princess Reconquista" is now available.

This is quite a big update this time!

You will be able to fight bosses.

You will be able to buy and use items.

You will be able to play almost the entire first [castle town] area.

There are also about 8 more H animations.

For more details, please see the patch notes below... or just try it out for yourself!

If you have any comments, requests, or bug reports, please feel free to write to us.

Your comments are really encouraging!

This is the end of the trial version and the free playable area, but we would like to continue to expand the game with elements and events that could not be implemented in Area 1 while we work on the next area.

We plan to include at least two more sub-events.

We also want to include a lot of hidden elements!

Thank you for your continued support of "Princess Reconquista"!

[←→ keys] Move

[SPACE key] Jump

[C key] Attack / Decide

[X Key] Special move/Cancel

[Z Key] Seduction

[↓ Key] Evade

[Up key] Enter door

[A Key] Menu

[S Key] Camera zoom in/out

[ESC key] Full screen

[F1 Key] Display the menu bar.

[F5 key] Reset

Additional Elements

・New story added

・Addition of sub-events

・Item function in the menu is implemented.

・New store

・New zako-enemies

・Bosses added

・Game over direction added

・Added fast travel

・Zoom in/out camera function

・Various other additions

Changed elements

・The structure of the first stage has been changed (for the second time).

・The debuff when the heat ball and heat value are maxed out has been eliminated.

If you can't play or even get a screen, please try the following

(In Windows 11 environment, there is a possibility that the game is not playable due to lack of runtime.)

1. Check the benchmark test distributed on the official website of Action Game Toolkit MV (Pixel Game Maker MV).


2. Install the appropriate runtime.


3. Review your security software.

4. Change the decompression method.

Only those who have tried the above and are still unable to start the game, please report back to us with details of your PC specs, especially OS and GPU!

If you write "I can't play! without having tried anything, it will confuse us.

We appreciate your cooperation.

If you have any other problems or requests, please feel free to comment.

Also, please do not redistribute the data on other sites, as it is strictly forbidden!

Translated with DeepL.com/Translator (free version)








【←/→キー】  移動
【SPACEキー】 ジャンプ
【Cキー】   攻撃/決定
【Xキー】   必殺技/キャンセル
【Zキー】   誘惑
【↓キー】   回避
【↑キー】   扉に入る
【Aキー】   メニュー
【Sキー】   カメラズームイン/アウト

【ESCキー】  フルスクリーン
【F1キー】   メニューバー表示
【F5キー】  リセット











Honestly super good. Amazing work. Do you plan on adding pregnancy as a system ?


Unfortunately, there are no plans to add a pregnancy component. / 残念ながら、妊娠要素が追加される予定はありません。


A shame but alright. Thanks for the reply and keep up the great work.


When I try to launch the game, the game will launch but instantly closes. Anyway to fix this?


Does the title screen appear? The response depends on at what point it disappears. By the way, the button at the bottom of the first screen is the item to exit the game. タイトル画面は出ますか? どの時点で消えてしまうかで対応が変わってきます。 ちなみに最初の画面の下のボタンはゲームを終了する項目です。


The title screen does not appear. The game launches and a black screen pops up for a second or two, then it automatically closes itself.


Simply amazing stuff so far. You mentioned "first area", how many you planning on adding? And will these areas have their own game over screen similar to other H-games?


There will be a total of 4 areas. As for the game over direction, I don't think there will be any basic change. This is because this game does not favor the style in which the player goes to lose and collects the H-scene. 全4エリアを予定しております。 ゲームオーバー演出に関しては基本的に変わることは無いと思います。 なぜならこのゲームは、自分から負けに行ってHシーンを回収するスタイルを良しとしていないからです。


If you are using Windows 11, you may be missing the runtime. You could try the benchmark test or trial version of the game distributed by the official Pixel Game Maker MV to see how it works. Or download the corresponding dll. https://tkool.jp/support/faq_actmv.html あなたがWindows11を使っているのなら、ランタイムが欠如している可能性があります。 Pixel Game Maker MV の公式が配布してあるベンチマークテストや体験版ゲームで動作を確認してみるか。 もしくは該当dllをダウンロードしてください。


I was able to play the Alpha .11 Demo, and I was able to launch all other versions before this, so it worked before. As for the dll. which one do I download? There are 4 links Edit: The downloads wouldn't work. But redownloading version 0.3 worked. New question, is there a way to translate the game?


A very fresh approach to H games! I will say however, that you kinda put people into that position when you already have a game over screen that can’t be accesed otherwise. I can only speak for myself but i went out of my way to die to see the new game over screen But that’s just me of course, i wouldn’t mind seeing the defeated Princess getting tied up in various ways and fucked, but it’s your game😁


I'm glad you were able to activate it. I think the only translation we can do at the moment is to ask DeepL. We plan to localize it in the future, but I think that will be quite some time down the road. 起動出来たのなら良かったです。 翻訳は今の所DeepLに頼むくらいしか無いと思います。 将来的にローカライズはする予定ですが、かなり先の話になると思います。


Game is excellent so far. What is the main character's name?

Dante Hernandez

I'm having issues, I have a gaming laptop and the game doesn't want to start. I've tried the steps but it still doesn't work, or im just doing something wrong


The main character's name is Ish Ⅲ. 主人公の名前はイシュ3世です。


Have you been able to run the trial version or benchmark test distributed by the official Pixel game maker MV? Please understand that I have not been able to test it on all PC environments, and I may not be able to handle all the problems myself. Pixel game maker MVの公式が配布している体験版やベンチマークテストは起動できましたか? すべてのPC環境でテスト出来ているわけではないので、自分も全てのトラブルに対応できるとは限りません、ご理解をお願いします。


why after downloading and opening the game - game version is 0.11?


Is that the file you downloaded from the article here? それはここの記事からダウンロードしたファイルでしょうか?


yes. after playing i release that it's actual 0.3 version (menu says it's version 0.11). I had many problems with running the game, after 2-3 hours I finally run it, but there are 2 problems : 1. optimisation, in areas with soldiers game slows down 2. game don't allow me to play in full screen ( settings do not change anything)

Jason Bill

I have the same issue. The folder says 0.3, but it says "alpha-demo 0.11" on the title screen. Many on the conversation options are blank, and there is no timer on the boss rematch.


1. If you don't mind, could you tell me what your PC environment is? 2. Have you tried the Pixel game maker MV benchmark test? 1. 差し支えなければPCの環境を教えていただけないでしょうか? 2. Pixel game maker MVのベンチマークテストは試していただいてるでしょうか?


1. If I re-download from this article again, does the title screen remain the same? 2. Is the upper left corner of the conversation log where the character's name appears also blank? Or is there a Japanese name in there? 1. もう一度この記事から再ダウンロードしても、タイトル画面に変わりはありませんか? 2. 会話ログの左上にあるキャラクターの名前が表示される部分も空欄ですか?もしくは日本語の名前が入っていますか?

Jason Bill

Pictures included to help diagnosing. 1. It remains the same after re-downloading. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/607151984251764738/1218586501923999816/player_vS7WLLQnjG.png?ex=6608341e&is=65f5bf1e&hm=7291fb8cdbb3380022fb43440bf285d48f10e11c072893bdd4a691c1bbb1be0c& 2. The name is not blank. There is no text in any of the dialogue boxes. Most of the options are blank. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/607151984251764738/1218586514506645524/player_MmVYAvM6fI.png?ex=66083421&is=65f5bf21&hm=54e0f51f9134e6e38070a451ee1d10f1436e06b749d37dac993bda5b32d6334d& https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/607151984251764738/1218587268814606396/player_iIzg9p3Oco.png?ex=660834d5&is=65f5bfd5&hm=b48d02ab293cdbbc7ec6dd18d342f117b053613a048b33bb9667c4c8e2b6475c&


We have found the cause. This work has not yet been localized, but for some reason it seems to have adapted itself to the "English settings" that were put in temporarily, resulting in this glitch. Please change the language setting to Japanese and try to start up again. You can change the language setting by going to "Setting(設定)" -> "Game Screen(ゲーム画面)" -> "Language Settings(言語設定)" after bringing up the menu with the F1 key. 原因がわかりました。 本作はまだローカライズされていないのですが、仮で入れた「英語設定」に何らかの原因で勝手に適応された結果、このような不具合が起こっているようです。 言語設定を日本語にしてから立ち上げ直してみてください。 F1キーでメニューを出した後、「設定」→「ゲーム画面」→「言語設定」で変更できます。


I just wanted to write you and give a hugh thanks for sharing this game in development with us. The game is familiar yet fresh. It's cool to see some diversity in the adult gaming space (speaking of the protagonist and her people). I absolutely love the demo and have been playing it on my Steam Deck, where it runs like a dream. Thanks again for bringing this to life and I wish for you the best of health, a peace of mind, and the steadiness of hand as you bring to life a title which has the potential to be one of the best adult games ever created. I look forward to the future of your wonderful art. Take care.


Thank you for your enthusiastic encouragement. Please watch over us to make our work even better. 熱い奨励ありがとうございます。 よりよい作品になるようどうか見守っていてください。


I surely will. I have a question concerning the story. Will you work with an English speaking writer during the language translation process. I ask because there is dialogue within the game which does not translate well from japanese to English. I am inspired to make a translation script for fun (for my use only) because I love the game so much. I am just curious. Thanks and have a great day.


I can't tell you anything about localization at this stage, but I will try to do my best to provide the best quality translation possible. I myself have had many experiences where a game I was looking forward to playing was poorly translated. ローカライズに関して現段階では何もお伝えすることが出来ないのですが、可能な限り品質の良い翻訳が出来るように心がけようと思ってます。 私自身も、楽しみにしていたゲームが雑な翻訳をされていた経験は少なくないので。


Do you plan on adding a censorship toggle


I don't know what exactly you envision by "censorship toggle", but all versions will be released with the same censorship method. "censorship toggle"が具体的にどういう仕様をイメージされてるのか分かりませんが、どのバージョンも同じ検閲方法でリリースされる予定です。

Larry Wheels

How do I switch to english mode?


English version has not been implemented yet. 英語版はまだ実装されていません。


This game is great, one question though. For the Father Fernando boss fight, is that music yours or is it an outside thing. It goes hard, do you plan to have an OST type of thing?


All of the BGM was created by other people, some of which I purchased, but most of which is freely distributed. For the battle song with Father Fernando, I used the song created by this person. http://www.manbou2ndclass.net/p/index.html https://dova-s.jp/bgm/play13484.html Not only this person, but all of them are wonderful creators. / BGMに関しては全て他の方が制作したものであり、一部購入したものありますが多くはフリーに配布されているものを使用しています。 フェルナンド神父とのバトル曲はこちらの方が制作しているものを使用させていただきました。 この方に限らず、どの方も素晴らしいクリエイターです。


So I've double checked that I have all the right things installed such as C ++ but outside of the first cutscene none of the text loads in textboxes. Game is great But I thought I'd bring that up if it's not a known issue.


Please change the game language setting from English to Japanese. This game has not yet been localized, so setting it to English will cause various problems. You can open the menu by pressing the F1 key. ゲームの言語設定を英語から日本語にしてください。 本作はまだローカライズが済んでいませんので、英語設定にすると諸々の不具合が発生します。 F1キーでメニューを開くことが出来ますので、お手数ですがそこから言語設定を切り替えてください。


How do u defeat the boss?Its to hard for me HAHAHA


Although it is possible to buy recovery items and push hard, the basic rule is to watch the enemy's movements carefully and use counter attacks from evasive maneuvers or powerful attacks to break the opponent's posture. We have tried not to make the difficulty level unreasonable, but if it is really difficult, the easiest way is to get the "Hip Attack" in the hidden store. 回復アイテムを買い込んでゴリ押しする事も出来なくもないですが、敵の動きをよく見て回避からのカウンター攻撃や強力な攻撃で相手の態勢を崩すのが基本です。 理不尽な難易度にならないように気を使ってはいますが、どうしても難しければ隠されたショップにある「ヒップアタック」を入手するのが一番楽だと思います。