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Hey everyone, just some quick information that I can share for now.
Yesterday I went to the dentist and they removed my wisdom tooth. It was very difficult, because part of it was in the jaw, so I had part of the jaw removed along with the tooth. I had a bone graft and sewn up the gum)

I know it might sound scary, but it's not that bad.
All I wanted to say is that I won't be able to paint any time soon because I had a relatively high fever, pain and half of my face is swollen.
And in general, yes, it is quite tiring and I lie in bed most of the time.

I think that in a couple of days (or maybe even tomorrow or the day after tomorrow) I will more or less rehabilitate myself and return to drawing again :3

Thanks for understanding!
Take care of yourself and remove your wisdom teeth on time! (if needed!! Im not a doctor))) :D

...I will need to remove another (last) one in the next month fuck... T-T God save me pls I just want to eat and draw... :"D



Please take your time and don't rush anything if you are feeling unwell. Hope all of that heals quickly and you feel better soon! 💙


thank you so much T-T I try try, Im so happy I finished all arts before it for this month ;(