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heh, it's my birthday today guys, and it's full of shit really.
I tried my best ever to get all the works done as usual and bring more to you, my dear, but sometimes circumstances just say "f*** you" and it goes on it's own :/

I have all your packs done, but somehow I can't upload them idk why, it's all as usual, but for some reason, it takes forever to upload on google drive. I tried to fix it or find any other platform to share, but I failed...

I'm really sorry for this, I will try to send it all as fast as I can, thank you for understanding.
.. happy birthday to me.....




Hey relax and enjoy your birthday. Have a happy one!


I tried, but.. it's ended already clearly, I have my 1:36am :c too busy day thank you for your support)


Yes dear! Can't let it all get to you, we are always happy to get your packs, no matter the time! We all wish you the best birthday wishes and love :)


Happy birthday!!! :D


Happy Birthday now in Textform xD


Happy belated birthday! I hope it was a good one.