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So, what we have right now :D

Our first place is NSFW content, of course xD
I some expected that, so, I will try to make as many NSFW pics as I can ^^ I wanted it anyway, but with you, I will try even harder :D

The second place is illustrations :3
I wonder what you want by this (1) more detailed in general or (2) more complicated pics with the plots and such?
Anyway, I will try on both ^^

And the third is polls, wips compilations, and sketches :)
Nice to know you like my sketches ^///^ and wips (I can say on my own that I very like the wip posts on the other artists Patreon).
And I will think about the polls more, I will try to find more interesting chars or suggestions by you)

The other things:
- I'm surprised that not many people are interested in comics, I have planned more interesting stories and development of my worlds, maybe you will like it :3

- I also will do step by step wips and speedpaint videos for those who still like this ^^

- I think about cutting gifs down because it takes my time and we have no votes on this slot

And short about my plans for the future:
Really short, I plan and already do my 365 challenge so it will be more interesting studies and pics here I hope :)
More arts for Autumn, Halloween, and Inktober absolutely :D

That's all for now, sorry for the many letters, I hope it was some interesting helpful info here ;)



I’m very excited to see your art journey from here foreword :) I’ve always been a fan of your work and it’s been so amazing to see you grow and build a name for yourself :)