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Hi guys! I would like to tell you some about the little changes that I would like to do here.
I finally got a new computer and can do something more for you :)

The first thing is I added bigger formats for full sizes (around 5000-6000px) and maybe I will do them even bigger in the future :3

The second thing is now I can do video process of my arts (speedpaints), I think it's interesting and I really like to look at it ^^ But it's not monthly reward yet, because its something new for such format and I would like to try it first (but I'm sure it will be many videos xD)

The third thing is I worked really hard on comic pages (I will finish the story in this month anyway I hope) and I can say that for me it is a LOT of stress about timeline and amount of the work, so I would like to keep work on it not as a monthly reward, but as an unregular thing that I will draw better from time to time :3

And the last thing is I changed some of the second goal. I think it will be nice to combine your suggestions and some chars by me that I also would like to draw in our monthly polls :)   

I hope you will understand me) and it's not so hard changes. I would be happy if you send some comment about it and what do you think :3



All of that sounds great dear! I'm so excited to see everything that you come up with :) Especially now that I can see the speedpaints on video