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Many of you have subscriptions that will renew on July 1.  Please take the time to cancel your subscription now as we will be shutting the Cryptoviewing Patreon site down on July 16.  

How to cancel: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/9123489083277-Cancelling-my-membership

Please join us at our new site: FUTUREFORECASTINGGROUP.COM

We've got a new web-3 version of our site where you will easily be able to peruse our 5 years of remote viewing sessions, interviews with all kinds of smart people, plus much more.


(No title)



Mine is a trial membership and I can’t see how yo cancel it.


Payment options besides credit card?


You more than doubled the entry level price? Hm... not sure that was a smart move.


I bet there are people who signed up for Patreon and forgot about it. They’ll be paying for it until Patreon does something about it.


25$ basic package? my main interest was martee pity you cant have a basic 10euros with him in it. I have no interest in your piss poor crypto predictions like bao xprt. The monthly predictions is fun but not reliable and with zero context of how big or small the event is or when. Weird space frontiers etc subjects not worth it. For 10 euros it was good value now no. I think you all screwed up with this move. Gladly pay 10 euros just for martee


I will cancel on July 16, I can afford $20 a month but $25 that's too much, am already paying $10 for someone else I follow on Patreon, I only pay to follow 2 ppl Cryptoviewing and 1 other person on Patreon... I kind of Bummed out... so from $20 now to $35 in total 2 follow 2 ppl 1 on Patreon and 1 on private site, but you got a point this website is antiquated... endless scrolling down Dick A got a point on that... that web designer told Marty...


Hi Geo, If you are only interested in Marty's content, check out what he has to offer on his website bullshift2020.com. :)


It says 119$ a month! Thats the only option I see. Do your homework before you reply


you say its web3 but it cant connect to the wallet