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One never knows the chain of events that will turn the world on a dime ! Much is in flux and has not been decided. With the east battling the west and the momentum moving in the direction of the BRICS, we could very easily have projects take off when they look finished. Even Theta has been monkey hammered, and it has great potential and support from major corporations !


So, I guess I am the only one who is aware that THETA and XPRT ARE the two TOP picks from the late Michelle Whitedove. Amazing~~ also, they (Theta anyway) were first promoted by Jsnip. Don't be so surprised about the look of the charts. Like an MLM company when Joe tells two friends who tell two and on and on, the price tends to explode to the upside!! I am most enamored that both THETA and XPRT went to $16.00. Something to that me thinks..


Joe and Chico Crypto both used Theta.TV for quite a while and the platform seemed to work well and can't be censored. Why did they stop?


There is pure gold in the following from ChatGPT. Hope you get it ô¿ô. Hint, there was a time in the 70's where many figured the battery industry was doomed to decline. Persistence generally refers to the ability to continue or persevere in a particular course of action, despite challenges, setbacks, or obstacles. It involves staying committed to a goal or objective and exerting effort over an extended period of time. User persistence token, XPRT ChatGPT Ah, I see! In the context of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, a "persistence token" refers to a digital token associated with a particular blockchain network called Persistence. Persistence is a protocol built on top of the Tendermint consensus algorithm and aims to provide a blockchain infrastructure for various financial products and services. The Persistence ecosystem consists of multiple modules and applications that focus on areas such as decentralized finance (DeFi), asset tokenization, and supply chain management. The native token of the Persistence network is called XPRT. XPRT is used as a utility token within the ecosystem, enabling participants to access and utilize various features and services offered by the Persistence platform. These services may include staking, governance participation, transaction fees, and more, depending on the specific use cases and applications developed on the Persistence network. It's worth noting that cryptocurrency ecosystems and projects can evolve over time, so it's a good idea to refer to the latest information and updates from the official sources of Persistence to stay informed about the specific functionalities and uses of XPRT.


Adoption is all I can think of. Much of the blockchain is still a mystery to the bulk of humanity. But I can see that adversity is the mother of invention, and mankind is in for a heaping dose of adversity shortly ! So strap in and watch closely what direction the wind blows !


I’m with you Gary! I wish Michelle was still here to give us an update. Tia Belle (as you may know) says XPRT is sleeping for awhile but it will have its run again in the next two years. We have to keep the faith!


One more (aware guy) here Gary. I also knew about her and Theta from JoeSnip. I was very excited about Michelles predictions which were (wild guess) 80% correct. However she did make some very strange (and bad) calls. I started wondering if the 'spirit' she got her info from, was not a oppresive alien that gave some good info to gain trust and then lead us astray. That's the whole problem with these 'predictions': you don't know which one is going to be correct and if you are led to believe things. I bought some XPRT at around 10 $. If Michelle really had a good spirit 'he' should have warned us about this downturn since the CryptoViewing team could see it coming. Some people say the oppresive aliens want us to invest in projects that go down so we can't 'do good' with our money. It's a tricky world. It's a lot of gambling.