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I've been having recurring thoughts of throwing darts at a dartboard for a few months for unknown reasons. I don't even remember the last time I played darts. Weird to see the intro. This is a new recurring thought that has replaced the recurring thought of sewing, like sewing together two pieces of leather by hand with big tight stitches, which went on for probably 2 or 3 years. Any thoughts or comments on that are welcomed.


so the way the target ID connects to the target is through the targeteer's intention and consciousness? am i understanding that correctly? is anyone able to expand on this please?


I think this is a great new addition to the team. This format of selecting a main component and three sub components adds greater clarity and specificity to the target. I have been a fan of Dick and Daz since the Courtney Brown days. I love the Poet/Philosopher touch from Ed and look forward to Nyiams big fish type gems.


That is freaking amazing!! Knowing this lends a whole new layer and texture to listening (if that makes sense - it does to me, lol.) Thanks so much for sharing and for the introduction. I hope the membership tiers don't change too much so that I'm able to hang around longer. Welcome aboard Jonathan!


Jonathan, what is your process to clear your mind before a target and what have you learned over time to substain that focus? Does being a Targeteer make you a better remote viewer? Viewers, is it possible to pick up the targeteers hidded bias towards a target or mabye if he has a close connection, known or unknown, to the target and read him along with the target?


Viewers, when you remote view using a targeteer and you get similar data to what was researched, can you tell if (or how much) you are picking up from the actual target and not from the targeteer? I like the idea that there is a way to remote view a target even with janky info to work from. Could you also explain the difference between a tasker with strong ideas and positions about a task and picking up their version and not so much from the actual target and the targeteer researching a target and putting that information out there so you can latch onto it to get a better session. Thank you


So what is viewed gets to be more and more what is already researched.... is that the best way forward?


Is there a woo woo target suggestion box?


Could have been nice to hear about the targeting difference between future events, woo-woo targets vs. targets with lots of background info available (people, companies, cryptos..).


Musqueteer, tasketeer and targeteer what a sleuth of names, people and procecesssss. But thanks for shedding light and you all “definitely noticing the difference”. So you really need three to tango. Digesting can be a long process since Tiflis in 1919 with Bernard Bernardovich Kazhinski hearing the first crystal spoon tinkling, Back in February with Masking and Entrainment and the first inkling of a targeteer, then Salla in April with Ed the tasker in Florida and Jonathan being named. Now in May Jonathan revealed. When will you bring forward the mythical Ed? Really interesting thank you! But one more to go with Greys please. Just the day before Jonathan revealed, beloved Courtney adding so much to the equation of your dark masters and the lords of the Galaxy both benevolent and malevolent with his own background with extra-terrestrials. How about yours? We are running short of time, it seems. Aloha! PS: Trying again LanVo in two days 