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My Ominous Perception April 2022, "Will Happen", Has Happened

this video is not monetized. video copyright (C) content copyright (C) Edward Riordan 2023 https://www.patreon.com/EdwardRiordanRemoteViewing https://www.patreon.com/cryptoviewing https://www.facebook.com/CryptoViewing



Dr. Doug Rokke - Depleted Uranium (DU) former head of the Pentagon's Depleted Uranium Project https://www.bitchute.com/video/w0iphnVqs1ft/


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Thanks for sharing. Always nice to watch a “live” RV process. I’m wondering though: wouldn’t you be tempted in that case to probe for the center of the explosion and try to see *what* is exploding..?


You never cease to just absolutely amaze me Edward.


Edward, did you see the eruption of the Popocatel Volcano in Mexico? It looked similar to your drawing. I also saw a video that had a fireball land close to the volcano before it erupted. Someone could have shot something into it if you know what I mean.


Could the location be Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea?


on one news broadcast it acknowledged that they hit the uranium, but that the explosions didn't get hot enough to melt the uranium, any prroof yett radiation is on the move or is a big mushroom cloud all we got?


Brits Dark forces elites dont care. They want big war here in eastern Europe looks like. They see,that time for slavery and printing fake money from the air is almoust ower. Im pist off on them . Im in country bordering Ukr.


Edward-very good data . You guys are all good.