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20230508 ELON MUSK

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Why Elon Musk Is A Fraud https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMKegenanxk


Thank you for sharing this reading. I felt you were objective in your presentation. The wheel came up in 2 of the remote viewing data presentations. I have seen a few tarot pulls and watched the remote viewing and it feels to me that there is a certain "identity" cre ated around Elon. I wonder if it is real or a created projection for public consumption. Just a question. Thank you again.


This woman testified in this document some pretty evil organized pedo/ satan worshiping org that grooms it’s children in the dark magik while torturing hundreds of children & collecting a-chrome. They have lots of powerful leaders involved as one can read here… https://illuminatethedarkness.online/jessie-czebotar/ Elon Musk is named as one of the children trained in this org. It means that he was tortured beyond imagination; but does not mean he still goes along with this. The fact that he is a WEF member makes I remain very skeptical of his behaviors This article is not for the faint of heart, but I feel knowledge can be useful for the masses so we know what we’re dealing with.

Julie T

There is a woman who has a channel on YT that goes by Shalom Girl. She was Elon’s nanny and she spent some time living with him and his mom in her youth. It’s worth checking her channel out in regards to her time with Elon. One of the important things she reiterates is that he has been tasked to present the mark of the beast. If you look at that as his final destination, it starts to make sense.


the chariot: he sent a car into space. the wheel: again, cars. the second flower: i heard the wicked witch of the west saying, "Poppies, poppies... sleeep..."


I'm not really into tarot but I have to say that I enjoyed this. It was well done.