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So many tantalizing details...!


I sure hate to hear you're going to get rid of the $9.97 tier, especially during a time when it's important to get the information out to the masses. It's a shame you can't allow those of us who can only afford the $9.97 tier to stay in. Whatever you do, though, I've valued your work and I'm going to spend this month going back and listening to anything I might've missed before I'm shown the door. Much love and gratitude, and many blessings to you all.


The part about 'who decides the parents of the new incarnation' for the highest tier is super interesting. Hope it gets to the 19 $ tier in a while. This info is too important to keep to such a small group. Thx.


Just read in the paper about the coronation, that Charles was anointed with oil from the Holy Land and that the parts of the ceremony are so sacred that it's done behind screens.


now when they change up their tiers how much would it be to a point i can no longer afford it? I can't afford $100 a month tier...


go to reddit escaping prison planet. you decide these things when you are ''forced'' to come back to to this plane by malovolent ETs posing as angels


Good suggestion Dan. Michael Newton also wrote two books (Journey of Souls) about the memories of his clients about the 'life between lives'. To me the most amazing part of this (prison planet), if it is true what you, Farsight and others say, is that NO ONE of these people and NO ONE from the NDE experiencers had any clue. Also chanellers, mediums, all 'trust' their 'spirits' who don't tell them anythoing about this. And the most amazing: how can beings that are so control prone, make themselves appear so 'loving'. It's mind boggling.


What the H is going on with Patreon? Why am I not able to listen to the current videos? Gone a week and you are ousted. Have you ever heard of "Notice?" Looks as if you've joined the other side.