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Meet The Psychics Who Won The Contest! How They Did It!

Four winners from our "Think Inside The Box" contest. They used the power of their minds to travel across space and time. This is how they did it. 💥Don't forget to subscribe!💥 💥✅🚀Join Us: https://www.patreon.com/cryptoviewing ➡️💥We started yet another YouTube channel here at CryptoViewing called ParanormalViewing hosted by our very own world-class remote viewer, Daz Smith! Here is a link, subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5utb0tdVl3tK3p5CslAZmg 💥🚀Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoViewing 💥🚀Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CryptoViewing/ 💥🚀Insta: https://www.instagram.com/cryptoviewing/ 💥🚀Website: https://cryptoviewing.com/ 💥🚀Official Links: https://linktr.ee/CryptoViewing 🔴✅(We are on other video platforms as well. Please check our Linktree above for our links) We are a multi-disciplinary group accurately forecasting cryptos & events with military-grade remote viewing. This is our new YouTube CryptoViewing channel called Crypto Viewing. Our other channel, called CryptoViewing, with 40,000 subscribers and over 5 million views, was terminated without warning while in good standing (with no strikes)! ⬛ Please check out CryptoViewing remote viewer's personal YouTube Channels 🟠 Daz Smith ==== https://www.remoteviewed.com/ 🟠 Edward Riordan ==== https://www.youtube.com/user/erviewer 🟠 Nyiam ==== https://www.youtube.com/c/Nyiamtv 🟠 Dennis Nappi ll ==== https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCChCpzW9UHujd-4RhYI9Njw Inclusive, sustainable, diversity, equity. These words are our prayer to the AI algorithm gods. #CryptoViewing #Bitcoin #Cryptos 💥Don't forget to subscribe!💥 Thanks! ⚠️WARNING:⚠️ We do NOT have a Telegram. That is a scammer, as is anyone pretending to be us here in the comments who asks you to contact them about any kind of investment. We will never ask you to contact us about any kind of investment. We do not give financial advice. Everything on this channel is for entertainment purposes only. NOTHING on this channel or any of the CV properties is to be considered financial advice, nor any comments by anyone in the comments or community should be considered financial advice. Investments carry risk and should only be undertaken after being reviewed by a licensed financial advisor. Everything on this channel is for entertainment purposes only. We are flashing back to some of our vintage CryptoViewing videos lost when our first (CryptoViewing) channel disappeared one day after it angered the ai gods for no apparent reason. Stay tuned; all the old goodies will be re-published! A message in a bottle: Fear is the mind killer. Do not let anyone suck you into their world of fear. If someone tells you THEY know how the world really runs, run away as fast as you can, for they seek to control you, and they control from a cold place of deceit. Fear, the insidious serpent, slithers through the chambers of the mind, injecting venomous whispers of doubt and uncertainty. It is the dark puppeteer, manipulating the strings of our thoughts, orchestrating a dance of shadows upon the stage of our souls. Like a ravenous wolf in the night, it preys upon the weak, consuming the light of hope and courage, leaving behind a barren wasteland of despair. Beware the merchants of fear, those who peddle the poison of paranoia, inviting you into the labyrinth of their twisted reality. They are the weavers of illusion, spinning webs of deceit in the hollows of your heart, ensnaring you in the throes of their twisted machinations. Like a siren's song, they lure you into the treacherous waters of their world, promising truth and salvation, only to drown you in the abyss of their control. Do not be seduced by these harbingers of dread, for they are the architects of despair, constructing fortresses of falsehoods and mistrust. They are the puppet masters, seeking to dominate and enslave, ruling from the icy throne of manipulation. Flee from their clutches, my friend, and seek refuge in the sanctuary of wisdom, for therein lies the armor of resilience and the sword of clarity. Forge your own path through the tempest of life, guided by the beacon of your inner truth. Like a mighty oak standing tall against the howling winds of deception, remain steadfast in your convictions, grounded in the fertile soil of self-awareness. Let the warmth of love and compassion dispel the icy grip of fear, and embrace the radiant light of hope that illuminates the path toward your destiny. Fear may be the mind killer, but it is not the end. Rise above the churning waters of uncertainty, spread the wings of courage, and soar toward the boundless skies of freedom and possibility. For it is in conquering our fears, transcending the illusions of those who seek to control us, that we find the strength to forge our own destiny, and the wisdom to recognize the true nature of the world. -Mic drop


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