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Here's an interesting Youtube video with the Unicoin founder, posted May 1, 2023:



(No title)



Who will have access to all the data stored behind the digital I.D.? Will you be able to function in society without the digital I.D,?




British always have the best sing alongs....done in style.


The gamechanger has now a week later become "the shitcoin". There is nothing about this project that could ever compete with the years of development, testing, infusion into the banking world as an XRP, XLM...even a XDC which has at least years behind it. The fact that the info that was read last week about the highlights of this man Darryl's projects making it sound like the XRP killer shows the scammy nature of this whole thing. Not sure why so much attention is being give this. There's tons of influencer videos out there debunking all of this with a simple search.


https://youtu.be/d669ePjJavg interview with Darryl...judge for yourself. Raised more questions rather than answered...


Man ... the future is looking fantastic !! /sarc


Tyranny is always overthrown, when the police and military turn on their leaders & side with the citizens. The Globalist club is in a closed loop and never think their plans will not work...until it doesn't. History is filled with such examples. All of these clubs or activist groups are primarily funded by the $ Grift. What happens when the value of the $ isn't enough to motivate? It is their power base & how the Grift is perpetrated.