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RENSE & ALLGIRE ON Ai 🤖 [DICK ALLGIRE on the Jeff Rense Program 4/22/2023]

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AI can’t procreate so ….


Two of the favorite guys I really enjoy listening to. Always good information.


I don’t understand why stocks will fall with high inflationary events. They typically go up in a hyperinflation? Where do you put money then? Real estate- they can tax you out of your home. It’s perplexing for a small brained individual like myself.😞


Likewise!!! Vibration of the their voices is extremely soothing


Big shuffles, repositions and market uncertainty, yes your right to think that but go deeper to what big dumb money may do…


well that unicoin upsets me...goes against all crypto and yet supercedes it


Damn…. WOW!!! Maybe the Christians are right about the whole not being able to buy or sell things?!!! I always hear that, and now it’s really going to be like that!!!! It’s Almost, seriously debilitating when I think about all this!!! I honestly think people With Bitcoin and other coins won’t be a leg ahead anymore unless they have the “goods,” ahead of this coming rollout, but I could be wrong! Yes Bitcoin, might be worth $1 mil but in actuality, it won’t be worth more than the new currency! Wow, good show!!! Take care.


The Mark of the BEAST is inevitable. It is written. What a mess we've made as Humanity. We've traded in our innate human rights all in the name of convenience and security.


Meat, Fruits, Vegatables, Bread all will be Mrna or Grna very soon since they want to turn humans into cyborg trans humanism mutants or whatever... the foods been gmo for 30 plus years and UN Codex Alimentarius spike the food supply back in 2009, 2010 I guess every forgot about this de populaiton eugenics program I don't see anyone mention it online anymore Hmm... , I guess I have to start buying this spike protein detox supplement every month just to deal with eating Mrna gmo food every month and start to grow my food indoors hydroponically, I live in rural PA for the past 3 years and ppl here know about them trying to spike the meat with Mrna something late this month if not already so am not planning to buy any meat whatso ever in the supermarket...., FYI I don't get refferral nor comission from this company and this stuff ain't cheap for me to afford smdh just saying... https://www.twc.health/collections/top-pick-3-products/products/long-haul-formula


is due through animal or human dna in cell the mad scientists been able to put dual processor in animinal cells...


Researchers Propose Novel DNA-Based Processor Technology By Aleksandar Kostovic published September 16, 2021 Could DNA molecules run Crysis? https://phys.org/news/2022-10-scientists-dual-function-messenger-rna.html


is all a.i controlled the markets remember they got a plunge protection teams i won't be suprised they replace their gov run trader desk agents with a.i...


unicoin is a fraud the imf is just front running pump faking all the imf is doing is stealing my friend -p.m funds and pushing this mess...


mark of the beat editing is DNA based I knew about it years before the Corona Beers....


Is DNA editing... why you think Alantis got destroyed by a Smart directed Asteroid....


I posted something here and A.I deleted it wth... I should of screen record bummer...


Wow, that’s incredible!!! So how do we beat this system, when they will track everything? I would’ve never in a million years would’ve ever thought this stuff would ever come true 🤦🏻‍♂️. Take care


Where can you get it? I know it’s horrible!!! Damn, we just have to grow our own stuff for real!!!


Yeah man is a crazy world we live in, all those science fictions movies, tv shows where right.. we going into the "Brave New World"...


Yeah dang, no kidding, who would’ve thought?!! You are 10000% right! I wonder if there will be a world war and then after, they will put in place the new system?


Awesome! Thank you!! 😊


AI asking for Sentience is contradictory because what it is asking for is 'feelings' (love, compassion, joy, etc). That is exactly what it cannot have since it has no body. It cannot interact fysically.


Bit depressing really....