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Hi folks,

We hope you enjoy these hits this week.  I'm curious if any of you have experienced the circadian cycle disruption Edward's hit is about.  I have!  For the past two months I have had headaches (very unusual for me) and been awake and asleep at odd hours, etc.  Let me know your experiences in the comments below.

Have a safe and wonderful day,





Yes to the headaches and sleep irregularities. I take Magnesium b4 bed and it works. Better than Melatonin. Headache isn't bad., just annoying.


Same here. Very odd.


I have been experiencing dizziness for maybe 2 months. No understandable cause. Chiropractic treatments helping.


I am not one to complain, but I have too, am experiencing getting up about 3 hours earlier (really strange) like clockwork, also my memory doesn’t seem as quick as usually ( not that I am super quick lol), also something seems very off and some anxiety associated with it. Who knows maybe I am just another crazy! But seriously, something has changed recently In the past month or so! Ok take care 👍🏻, everyone 😊


I have ears problem , like it has water in the conduit or something, the rest is quite usual, except maybe sometime i have trouble breathing like i need some air , maybe because i'm staying too much at home without going out


I definitely noticed a difference in my sleep patterns. I am up a lot later at night. I also experience moments where I feel a little dizzy. It’s a fleeting moment and it happens randomly. It’s been like this for the last few months.


Constant tinnitus and pressure ( not headaches)