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Remote Viewing the Atlantic Space Ark with Dick Allgire

Dick Allgire is a former professional news presenter who, in 1997, got interested in remote viewing projects using blind scientific protocols that would eliminate front loading. He subsequently trained with military-grade instructors such as Glen Wheaton (US Army Special Forces) and has ever since been conducting remote viewing projects involving various targets. He eventually created Cryptoviewing.com as a means for remote viewers to be trained and to collaborate in intelligence gathering on various targets. On April 14, 2023, Cryptoviewing.com released a two-hour report on the remote viewing of a target supplied by Dr. Michael Salla – a submerged space ark under the Atlantic Ocean. In this Exopolitics Today interview, Allgire discusses with Dr. Salla the genesis of the remote viewing of the Atlantic Space Ark from a meeting they held in January 2023 in Honolulu, Hawaii, where they decided to collaborate on a future remote viewing project. No specifics were shared on potential targets to prevent frontloading. In February, Dr. Salla was subsequently approached by a tasker, Ed, from Cryptoviewing to find a suitable target that would be passed along as an alphanumeric sequence. A second tasker received the alphanumeric sequence and passed it along to Allgire and three other remote viewers—Daz Smith, Edward Riordan, and Nyiam Vendryes. This double blind protocol eliminated any foreknowledge and possible frontloading of the target. The target was a submerged space ark claimed by a US Army Insider, JP, who has described his participation in three multinational missions there. Allgire discusses some of the data he and others gained through their remote viewing of the space ark. He identified hieroglyphs on walls containing ancient knowledge, spacetime portals or stargates, sarcophagi with sleeping giants, religious themes, a tunnel to an underground civilization, and a giant spacecraft/ark underwater. Allgire’s results were similar to what was discovered by three other remote viewers involved in the space ark project. All these elements have been described by JP in his three reports on his Atlantic Space Ark missions. The full two-hour cryptoviewing report is available on Patreon at; https://www.patreon.com/cryptoviewing, The main website is: https://cryptoviewing.com/ A trailer is available on YouTube at: https://youtu.be/c4EX9j9q3vc





Wow I have been looking for years for an explanation of a dream from 2016, and this sounds like it. Dr. Salla and the crypto remote viewing team thanks. I sometimes have very spiritual dreams that are more than just ordinary dreams, and they stick to my memory like glue. In this dream there is a large commotion outside. We all go outside I look over the nearby building a steeple and there is this giant blue orb dancing in the sky like, the orb was like shimmering plasma electric blue very similar to the stargate in the tv series and huge and it was approaching the earth, the orb had these little winglets on the bottom of the sphere like it was not wings but like it was the plasma being pushed away as it traveled through the atmosphere. Around in our direct local were smaller orbs that were searching for people to pick them up and transport them to the larger orb. All the people in the vicinity were freaking out except for the few that were being picked up. Out of the blue….my father appears, which I found strange because he appears like a spiritual guide, how could he do that when he is still alive I thought. A (a year later my dad passed away and when that happen this dream made more sense), My father telepathically told me what was going on, and I looked back and said yes I know what this is, no reason to explain, and father responded, of course you would know. I had the choice to step into the blue beam that would transport me to the smaller transport orb or step to the side and choose not to go. I understand we always have free will no matter what. In the dream I step aside. My father smiles and agrees with the decision. I convey to him I know it will be a rough time here on Earth, things are about to go from bad to worse to unimaginable. I decided to stay and help the people who are still sleeping, I felt I could do so much good if I stay, I understand it will more then likely kill me in the process, but I understand also that we never really die just shed off a meat suit, and our personality or soul moves on to new adventures.


crazy you say that. Ive had dreams of this nature myself. I have a weird, crazy background. my direct grandfather a few lines up was the founder of Sikhism (the most spiritual religion on earth I would say). Basically the sikh prophet, Guru Nanak, his mentor and father figure and protector was my direct grandfather many generations up. I too have felt like my dad was on this earth to wake up others, along with myself as well. Considering the spiritual dna running in my family, im convinced im a hybrid alien (dead serious, theres books on this like 'walking among us' by PHD david jacobs). anyway i had a dream of alien ships appearing here soon. and war breaking out with the secret space force losing badly to real, authentic alien ships (my impression was these werent bluebeam fake reverse engineered craft we were fighting but real ones). and at the end of my dream, sinkholes in the ground opened up and literal monsters, like tall lizard type monsters starting eating people alive. it was like a hell on earth or something. but if you read into farsights remote viewings of area51 and DUMBS and all that stuff, there is actually alot of data to suggest we are not alone and negative beings live here beneath us. I think your dream almost sounds like rapture or something, maybe a prelude to something like what I saw. I had the genuine impression what i saw was a sneak peek into something i needed to prepare for.


worth noting that all of this is also LITERALLY the plot for Prometheus. I suspect that ridley scott mightve made those movies from dormant memories or maybe the inside scoop via hollywood satanism or something. the essence is the same; giant engineers came and seeded earth as a garden, and for xyz reasons humans werent able to maintain it. in the original scripts for Prometheus, which were never fully used in the actual movies, Jesus was an alien hybrid of some sort that was taught by the aliens how to live on earth and was used as a proxy teacher/educator for humans


It felt like the rapture or aka the rescue mission, I believe when such events happen it will cause such a shift in consciousness that it will spike peoples intuitive abilities, almost like a flight or fight response, it will be automatic and we will know the truth of the seeding of Earth and the real history will be unveiled.


This is amazing guys. I feel really lucky to get this source of unique information on humanity.


Peculiar, army whistleblower says illumination provided by "bioluminescent" plants? that covered the walls...who? was watering the plants? where did the plants get sunlight/energy for growth? A discrepancy/contradiction?


I was having the same question, There is a story of a few people visiting a space under the Gizeh plateau where they entered a room that had not been visited for hundreds of years. The wall started to light up when they entered. I thought their body heat provided the energy. And in air there is allways humidity. So it might be a plant species from another planet that can do that.


I was having the same question. There is a story of a few people entering a room under the Gizeh plateau where for hundreds of years there has been no-one. When they entered the walls started to give off light. I assume their body heat was the energy and in the air there is allways humidity. Probably a plant species from another planet that can do that.


what you wrote is also in line with the ''alien interview'' book, about grey aliens having lost certain souls here and trying many times to recover them from this prison planet- supposedly the tibetian book of the dead and all those teachings from that region come from previous resue attempts where beings came here in attempts to rescue certain members of their group. either way , ido believe something has to be done here. this is literally a prison planet and the powers that be are literally trying to create a hell here for us. not to get too far off tangent but i believe satanism is actually alien worship, worship of the negative beings in charge of this place currently


Amazing questions and answers from Dick the new Ingo Swan


It all sounded so familiar to me … has anyone read The Unveiled Mysteries by Godfrey Ray King? It was written in 1935.


I've listened to a lot of hypnotherapy sessions through channels like Allison Coe's Youtube channel and Alba Weinman's Youtube channel where the people under hypnosis talk about The Event which is the energetic event that will move us as a whole planet into a higher vibration. During this time, not all humans will be able to withstand the sudden switch in energetic vibration so there are thousands of ships currently prepared by several different alien civilizations to, for lack of a better word, beam these people up and keep them on the ships to help with their transition. Many may not even remember they were on the ships, some will remember and then some will be okay to stay on Earth during the transition while those who aren't compatible with the vibration of the "New Earth", they'll stay on the old Earth in the old vibration (aka the bad guys). I've listened to dozens of hypnosis sessions where people talk about this happening. This would be completely different than what happened with past Earth civilizations which basically annihilated themselves. We've apparently had volunteers from around the universe, old souls, come in to incarnate onto Earth in order to help raise the vibrations in order for this shift to happen.


well said, I agree. Dolores Cannon spoke about this also, in her books Convoluted Universe. she did thousands and thousands of hynosis sessions.


Yes! Dolores Cannon :) I knew I was missing someone important.


Corroboration of ark being in the ocean by a contactee at https://youtu.be/nHDqtqM87Ss?t=1728


only issue with this i have is ive heard these can be unreliable if fake data can be slipped into the collective unconscious minds of people, making them think xyz when in reality it might be a fake idea or thought. not discrediting this idea here at all however, just something that irks me