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♥️♠️♦️♣️🃏TAROT READING: Foodcoin (FOOD)

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You guys got to be kidding me, o Ok....


Courtney sounds tired and mentioned being a bit fed up. I hope she feels better soon.


Has tarot proven itself in this community as legitimate? I generally believe in the legitimacy of remote viewing, but NOT tarot cards. I am guessing that I'm not alone. If it was any closer to April, I would have thought this was an April Fool's joke.


Courtney is our analyst and these are Tarot readings she is doing blind with only the target id - just like the remote viewers. She's extremely skilled at Tarot Readings and offers these up as additional content for each crypto target.


Am open to everything, thank you for the upload but kinda hoping to see March event release!


Tarot is a projection system. It focuses the RV. It's like the crystal bol. There is nothing in the bol but the 'viewer' uses it to activate his/her dormant RV faculties. In the long run you don't need the cards anymore.


agreed tarot is a totally different thing to remote viewing which is a proven scientific method, don't agree with trying to reinvent the wheel, should be iterating known good objective methods rather than perusing subjective psychic stuff.


I appreciate all the extra reference points that people can have to try to make the best educated decision in their life. If people have a problem with tarot then they don't have to watch it. I think it adds an extra reference point that's worth having to bounce everything off of;-)Also it casts a wider net for correlation analysis. For instance if RV and tarot look really positive that's one more reference point towards the positive reality that might be worth paying attention to;-)


If you believe in RV, then you should know it's the card reader, not the cards.