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For those of you who are new to CV, Hitomi was one of our remote viewers a few years ago.  We tragically lost her in November 2020.  She was an extremely special person and her RV skills were off the charts.  She had a lot to say about the coming changes, so we thought it timely to re-release this Q&A.  RIP Hitomi.  We miss you.


(No title)



what happened to her exactly? covid? she seems very talented , intuitive


we salut you Hitomi. Youu will be with us forever in our hearts


Did Hitomi in other sessions specify time ,when did she expect this tsunamis and etc. ???? I think that she somwere said some year.


She is much missed. What a lovely talented young woman. Her message to Dick shortly after she left us was so like her! Even I was cheered and comforted. X


Seeing Dick's video on consciousness then this gives me comfort.


Michelle Whitedove passed to0, very sad.


Thank you so much for sharing this video. I have been strongly moved by learning about Hitomi. And I was very fascinated with her insights in this video. May she rest in peace <3 Can I ask is there any specific reason you chose to re-post this video now? Do you know anything more in regards to when the event might happen?


I understood that she got cancer and went to see John of God in Brazil. While on her walk in the compound she was attacked and raped(?) killed. When we lose such soul it affects us all, although I never even knew her.


Hi Re, No we don't have any further info regarding Hitmoni's Q&A. We had some requests to re-post this and also thought it timely given that our current remote viewers have foreseen 2023 as a year of change.


move 31+ miles away from the ocean, make sure that there are no lakes nearby and store enough food to last 8 (!) months. cant/wont do it. if the goal is to survive (is it?) you have to wonder what kind of world you are going to "survive into", so to speak. i knew her reputation as an excellent remote viewer and heard her name occasionally. i saw how the rv team here looked pained when they spoke of her. i'm very sorry that she is not with us anymore.


Hitomi said to store canned foods because you won't have water to make noodles with. If you don't have any water, then how will you survive? She also said you don't want to be near any lakes or rivers either, so how will you get water if you aren't near them? I don't think the gas stations will have any gas left to get you anywhere either, so not sure how you would survive or even want to. Seems very depressing to say the least.


Thank you for reposting this video. Hitomis reference to earth quakes all over the world and tsunamis everywhere coincides with the Adam and Eve story by Chan Thomas. Thomas book was supposedly classified by the CIA, but there are also claims that the book in it self never was classified, that the classification was of a specific copy of the book that contained notes with sensitive information. However, Thomas presents a theory about cataclysms and the physics behind. Very simplyfied the theory suggest that the earth magnetic field makes sure that the earth crust stays firmly attached to the core. When the magnetic field is weakened the crust starts to float around more freely. Then when the magnetic field strengthens again the crust will grab on the core very rapidly and this then causes global earth quakes and tsunamis. Mario Buildreps has presented a similar way of thinking in a number of Youtube videos some years ago.


I think the point Hitomi was making concerns the risk of flooding. Flooded land will need many months to recover. Depending on the size of the water bodies near different measures are relevant. If you are close to the ocean och large lakes the distance and height suggested by Hitomi is relevant. These areas will be severely affected in case of global tsunamis. However if you are inland you will be safe much closer to water, eg here i Sweden there are lakes all over, but the amount of water i each lake is limited (compared to the oceans) and has only the potential to affect a limited amount of land. I may also add that I'm a hydrologist by profession and the issues concerned here are not too far from my everyday work.


If I recall correctly, in one of her last sessions, she had a map of world that had 2026 with the tsunami changes.


Its now mostly April the earth destruction and its not only by the poles reversing. You all better prepare now. Once the bombing takes place in D.C. the stock market will collapse then the Dollar. Once that happens the Anunnaki will not allow the elitists to go into digital dollar for control b-c the Alpha Dracos are here to collect the souls. They will launch an asteroid next month or May but I believe April because dollar should collapse this month. I know everything because I am Marduks mother, wife of Enki of the Anunnaki reborn. Marduk is taking me before the asteroid impact. They all told me on their ship. Not fucking around ask these Remote viewers b-c all Top Military generals know who I am and are scared of me.


This is all happening now mostly in April the earth destruction and its not only by the poles reversing. You all better prepare now. Once the bombing takes place in D.C. the stock market will collapse then the Dollar. Once that happens the Anunnaki will not allow the elitists to go into digital dollar for control b-c the Alpha Dracos are here to collect the souls. They will launch an asteroid next month or May but I believe April because the dollar should collapse this month. I know everything because I am Marduks mother, wife of Enki of the Anunnaki reborn. I am extremely powerful & psychic for a human. The govnt doesn't let my voice be heard on any platform. Marduk is taking me before the asteroid impact. They all told me on their ship. Not joking around ask these Remote viewers b-c all Top Military generals know who I am and are scared of me because I can communicate with the sun and cause solar flares. I have implants throughout my whole body b-c of marduk controlling me.


Also will be very interesting to know more details about Hitomi work on natural covid treatment for some private company.. If I remember correctly,was 3 ingrediens. What kind ? Will be interesting and maybe helpful to know....


go for telegram and Rumble then-:) short video is not a problem. Is it ?


Hi Branislav, We're working on re-releasing more of Hitomi's data. It'll take a little time since it's spread out over many targets and sessions. Thanks, Jamie


Dr Zelenko came up with covid remedy. Scroll down for list of supplements https://zstacklife.com/products/z-stack?variant=42139958739110


I know there's talks of the cyclical events coming between 2040-2045, but that's just my using calendric information. There could be other cases before that with man-made weapons. It definitely happens before 2050 and leads to the china on US west coast by ~2070 as seen in CV items.


I think she's stating there won't be water because the utility companies will be gone, so the power/pipes/maintenance will be down and there won't be fresh water to obtain from a tap. So you'd have to wait on rain, but then you know they'll be messing with the rain.


Maybe the goal is to have your own influence in the events coming. Just thinking out loud.