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It seems likely that when the new system comes online (CBDC's) that not everyone will want to bend the knee to the established power. If [TPTB] want to keep control, they will have to find a mechanism for the massive black budgets in CBDC's and not the planeloads of cash/gold/silver as they currently use to keep their trails dark. This presents a problem for rulers as well as the criminals that rulers rely upon to keep their power and do business. Centralized honeypots have a horrible track record of leaky hacks which can expose these dark trails if records are kept anywhere transparently. It seems unlikely that [TPTB] will be able to change their ways and come completely clean doing all business on the "up-and-up". If bitcoin is used, it will become impossible to hide that trail. Your special friend mentioned regulations needed such as a 100 credit score to be able to invest in crypto. Other regulations such as needing an "internet drivers license" might make access more difficult, but there's always a way around prohibitions like these, especially if one has significant resources. Either the black budgets have to decrease significantly, or [TPTB] will have to embrace privacy tech to continue business as usual. This suggests heavy adoption of privacy coins in the future. If one has significant enough resources, one will likely be able to buy the access one needs to be able to transact and hide their digital trail at the same time. One might think that they could have two systems to solve the above dilemma, one for the plebs and one for the elites. The problem is that value does not stay contained well in controlled markets. Fiat systems collapse because their economics are unsound. Without curing addiction to QE to keep an economy going, I think the failure of the current system will also spell failure for CBDC's. A potential early sign that CBDC's could be a flop... https://internationalman.com/articles/another-big-cbdc-flop-heres-what-really-comes-next-hint-its-not-what-the-elites-hoped-for


I heard the Quickbooks thing come up at the hearing, I t remembered that is the exact scam they used in Breaking Bad .. when Skyler saved her boss's ass by claiming she used Quickbooks to the IRS .. lack of knowledge excuse so they let him off the audit