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Theta Conference December 2-4 Ft. Lauderdale, FL

So a great time was had by all! We just wish you all could have been there to enjoy the warm days and sounds of landing planes… Just kidding but it was RIGHT across from the FLL airport so it wasn’t quiet, to say the least.

CryptoViewing had an overwhelming presence at the conference, more than 10% of the attendees were from CV. Hehe, there were only 225 tickets soo, we were the big crowd, especially during happy hour. If anyone has pics from the event, please send them to me and I’ll post them. I’m not a photo taker but I’m sure that there were several good shots snapped. I heard Marty was the party animal on Friday night and when I first saw him Saturday morning, he looked like he had a good old time!

Our Full Monte – In Memorium

So Vojkan (TheFullMonte) and I have been communicating since the inception of our CryptoViewing project. He has been a long-time supporter and often we discussed interesting and controversial topics. He was responsible for suggesting a few of our more recent targets. He was a significant part of our group and will be greatly missed. He had been ill for a few months from what he said and there was no cause that modern medicine could determine. HE recently succumbed to his illness and is survived by his wife and daughter. Here’s a write up from a Montenegrin website on Vojkan. We will greatly miss you brother, may you give us guidance and peace from the other side. Safe travels, Love and Light from all of us at the CryptoViewing.

Vojkan Trifunović, a prominent Montenegrin in Denmark, has passed away. He lived in Farum, but grew up in Copenhagen. He worked in the IT industry for almost 30 years, as the owner and director of a consulting firm, the last 10 years as a freelance consultant. Apart from the IT industry, he was interested in photography and painting, as well as architecture. He was very successful in painting, so a large number of works of art were created.

Working in the IT industry, it was very clear to him what new technologies mean and how they can be used to promote the cultural treasures of the country from which he comes. He well understood how important it is for a small country like Montenegro to present art and culture in general as well as the rich heritage it has to the whole world. He took part in the creation of the idea and its realization through the portal Montenegrina.net, so that, already in 2004, Montenegro could be presented in the best light. Professional obligations soon prevented him from actively continuing work on this project, but regardless, his contribution to this project is enormous.

To him be eternal glory and praise.

Thought for the Days Ahead

Watch your Thoughts;

they become Words.

Watch your Words

they become Actions.

Watch your Actions;

they become Habits.

Watch your Habits;

they become Character.

Watch your Character;

it becomes your Destiny


Most important, this too shall pass. Go give someone some love, kindness, and compassion. They are in short supply now.

Stay safe folks.







My condolences to Full Monte / Vojkan’s family, and this community