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like coffee grounds.


this is gonna be a wild ride month dec and jan and next year...


this is for Dick and the black cube drawing. Black Cubes near Antarctic moving through the ocean: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQHdtU8GjPs&t=471s


And Clif High has said he's picking up something around the 13th-15th...


Long thin abnormal things in the blood.. Like in the Died suddenly docu..


Al Roker has been sick lately and it's been in the news. https://people.com/health/al-roker-hospitalized-again-one-day-after-release-following-blood-clot-issues/


There was a controversial goal at the world cup: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/sports/world-cup-2022/ap-photo-catches-key-moment-before-japans-controversial-world-cup-goal/3981754/


I think they said the final would be Switzerland vs South Korea, that is my guess at least. based off who made it to the top 16 and the colours given, which was Red Black vs Orange White. No one bet on this! it will cause negative karma. They tried this in the past with Edgar Cayce and predicting horse winners, they would double their money then lose it all, so take that as a lesson and don't try to profit on this foreknowledge


Wow, Dick especially had so many clear predictions. Looking forward to the 'HITS'.


Man on fire. https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&ei=UTF-8&p=poland+maine+man+on+fire&type=E211US105G91710#id=3&vid=39740bf8431f4429f3c70cd17a7bfad3&action=view


Just subbed, great session look fwd to more


The Biggest Story in American History!! The political surprise is the Supreme Court case of Brunson vs. Alma S. Adams. This is case that Throws out 380+ people from Congress with Biden, Harris, and Pence. Case is set for Jan. 6th 2023. Marshal law will be implemented till new elections! Marry Christmas Everyone. This will be the Best Christmas of all! Go to Black Conservative Patriot on Patreon Ep. 160 to get the details!


Thanks for posting this Denise - we're looking for a similar event that will happen after the RV session was done. It looks like this happened about a month ago. Keep sending hits for us to investigate! Jamie


Wondering if anyone feels stablecoins will be banned by all countries in collaboration to prevent competition for CBDC's? If so, that may create tthe buying opportunity many feel is coming.


20:00 an E190 is a kind of jet aircraft?


Also, this probably obvious but - the change in jet stream must be the current weather situation in the US


Bridge catastrophe https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/hundreds-of-cars-crash-into-each-other-in-massive-pile-up-on-bridge/ar-AA15JuOq?cvid=c2ec84cdb78c44aaad112c5a51c452dc