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Thank you.


I wasted 40 minutes to realized this is a worthless coin and not deal with it, ok...


In 2019 (In addition to their positive RV video of this token) Crypto Viewing put out ANOTHER video where their special source told them that Komodo would be the next replacement for Bitcoin (after BTC had run it's course..) and then Dick Algire himself made a special 3rd KMD video (probably only available for founders) where he said "Again.. our sources say.. We cannot over-estimate the importance of Komodo" (our understanding is that this will be a VERY important crypto..) [+that video got hard to find +after a while some of us had to speculate if they hid it on purpose so as not to let too many people in on this important information.. and NOW look at it.... lol. I think this is beautiful because it appears like potential evidence that the "Powers That Were" really ARE losing their control. (After-all, KMD was [like the rest of the crypto that the PTW secretly funded+created], just another tool for them to use in their attempt to continue to control us.. Funny how everything changes.


I believe the Team should look at, RV, Cardano ADA ... this is the REAL stuff ... a third generation blockchain to rule them all (Scalability, interoperatibility (side chains) and governance) ... it might even help governments get rid of 90% of corrupt people


1st Gen BTC: decentralized blockchain - peer


2nd Gen ETH: BTC + Smart Contracts (programmable -->ICO´s)


3rd Gen ADA: ETH +Scalability (bandwidth) + Interoperability (Sidechains: BTC, ETH, etc..) + Governance (constitution ... rules ...laws)