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USDC is backed by USD, debt. That is probably all you need to know. I also send you guys are profile to check out. https://twitter.com/XX_1133_1221_11 Dont need to second guess work when the networks have already been mapped.


BRICS would be a nice RV...


Interesting. Wow Blackrock just announced its joining coinbase . Total gov coin. I have a coinbase debit card i set it to usdc so when i go to atm it gives me dollars . I do not trust coinbase at all. Note i think the session is for 2022 right? CAN you guys look at the hardwhere wallets? Trezor . Dont have a good feeling about them. What say you all? This should be especially important Dick as his bitcoins are on his trezor.


I use USDC all the time , but I only use it for trading. I always use it for trading buying and selling. I never hold it for more than a day, You can use it to get defi in Compound for some APY. I tried it Compound defi with USDC eth, but to move USDC to a private wallet was the biggest mistake. The APY is not worth it, they charge me a arm and a leg to just move the USDC Stable coin it's a ERC Eth token. but I felt it was not worth it. I sold all my Compound, it's a good idea , but in the end I felt it was not for me. I decided to just use it for trading only in a Exchange. Don't try to move it to a private wallet, they will charge you with ETH transaction fees. I have just have$3.00 in a wallet and I can't move it because they will charge me with ETH high transaction fees. I know it's just $3.00 bucks but it gets to me that they want to charge me a high fee. I also have about $30 ETH that can't move because of the high fees. I know it's not much , but out of principal I won't move it , until ETH upgrades to staking. The USDC stellar is a lot cheaper for transaction fees it's less than a penny, but some exchange don't use it. Anyway this my experience with USDC, hopefully it helps some newbies in the crypto game.


these guys are terrible at predicting prices and trends. Don't invest in USDC longterm because that's not what its for... BTC and ETH fees make them unusable, how is the 'new world economic order' supposed to be based on this 'digital payment technology' that doesn't work?