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Summer 2020, Beirut blast. Daz saw it.


Harald says October is a time line shift..... Solar event is also on the cards..... https://www.bitchute.com/video/t88qNpBdhtDx/


Dick, I believe the hysterical woman is the actress Anne Heche, https://youtu.be/J9TgB0pONSI. By the way Dick, your to obsess with Nancy Pelosi , let it go. Maybe, you should task a blind target to other Remote Viewers of Nancy. Look at her past life that affects her as a politician. Her goals as a politicians . Her energy as a person and her Soul goals for this life. You might get surprised by this target. You can also do this to any world leader, like Trump, Putin, The Pope, and Etc., and make it a Special about World leaders every month. just an idea. This might help you to just let go of Politics, and Nancy. It seems to me you get all hype up over this women that you really don't know, it's ok that you don't agree with her, but don't get caught up to much with it. I use to be so caught up with politics that I use to get all the news for the day. I was a pure Politico junkie. I realized it just gave me heartburn and negativity. Now I listen to politics in small amounts.


Could this have been CERN ?


Wow, I mean really!!! I think you guys have an excellent record, and each and everyone one of you are awesome!! I mean that!!! I think this is information that we should consider and do what we need to do!!! This is life!! We can either accept it or out our heads in the sand!!! I appreciate the hard work y’all put into these sessions and thank you and take care!


Don’t forget that Daz saw January 6th in the Great Reset session but he thought it was an assasination attempt on a president. The sketch of Sullivan was the icing on the cake!


Thank you for looking at this again. At least we can prepare. It can't be pleasant to look at these things, but much appreciated.


The terrible car accident of a famous female is Anne Heche.


That bunch of German multiple rocket launchers Dick drew are probably firing on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear waste bunker. Let's pray they don't succeed with Tchernobyl 2.0


That possible refugee movement Daz saw out of Eastern Europe in many directions is as well connected to a planned and very possible nuclear disaster in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine.


JSNIP4 better buy some more gas for his stanky ass generator and dune buggies.