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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot

Folks, we all knew this market was going to get bumpy as things get closer to the height of the transition, weather, economics, blah blah blah, 400 Mules, 600 Chickens, all the same shit, isn’t it? The confusion is intentional, we must quiet our minds and go inside for the truth. We are the well informed and we KNOW there is a problem, the rest of the poor folks don’t even have a clue yet… Wait till $10 diesel, that is going to be a game-changer for sure. Our entire system is being pushed to the limits and then 100% over its limits intentionally. Don’t buy into that energy, we’re all better than that. We’re all ready and poised to change our lives and the lives of those around us. So be cool. We are victorious, ALL of us.

There are some absolutely INCREDIBLE bargains, THETA, XPRT, TFUEL, ADA, DOT man the list goes on and on. What if I told you that THETA will exceed the old high of $16? Would you buy it? And THIS TIME, WILL YOU SELL AT THE TOP? Lick your wounds and learn the valuable lesson, the money is in the volatility AND the HODL. So, take profits when you can and you won’t feel the despair of the market fluctuations. You may actually EMBRACE them as opportunities.

Just remember we are on the forefront of the curve, the tip of the spear so to speak, there will be many that will rely on each of you for guidance and strength. We MUST all know there is a greater plan and we are all part of it. We are a big part of the solution folks. Know this.

Permissionless Palm Beach

If anyone is at Permissionless, please reach out and let’s meet! I’ll be there today and tomorrow. It’s a packed house, crypto is going NOWHERE folks. It is here to stay. The main hall is packed to capacity every day and has a seating capacity for about 800. And just about every seat is taken.

So, if you have your doubts, DON’T. Now will DeFi be the way? We’re not quite 100% sure yet but there is just a boatload of currency waiting to flood into these markets. The theme so far as I can see is Custodial Services/Wallets and side chain solutions. I just learned of another acronym called MEV which stands for maximum extractable value — is the term given to when value is extracted through the reordering and censoring of blocks. And looks like another opportunity to hack into and make a small fortune for those who know how to slice and dice that data.

If you’re in town for the conference, please reach out via the website and lets pow wow. It’s been too long that we haven’t had the opportunity to met and discuss all things CV n Crypto. Maybe a Vegas trip will happen again in the future.

Meet Up Central Florida

I’m taking the family kayaking up through Central Florida end of June through the first 10 days of July and would love to see as many of y’all as possible before we can’t drive anywhere due to gas prices. I know of a few members who are in that general area and we’re looking at the Kings Landing Nature’s Theme Park in Apopka, FL. It looks like a beautiful place and a great paddle for the whole family. So I’m looking to coordinate this with whoever is in the area and game for a day or so of fun and sun in the Florida outback. We may camp out or stay overnight somewhere close. Not sure just yet but throwing it out there, let’s see what manifests.

Final Thoughts

I am REPOSTING this just because I think it is so important that we all remind ourselves each and every day to be present, humble, and thankful.

I know many folks are losing their minds with all the uncertainty in the near future, but fear and guilt have been a method of control used against the masses for eons. Pay less attention to the news, of course being informed is necessary but not to the point of insanity. Be ready but also enjoy each and every day, they go to quickly and I know I’d hate to look back twenty years from now and regret things I didn’t enjoy just “BECAUSE.”

We here are all enlightened souls and remember that a soul NEVER dies. So no matter what happens to the meat suit, we get a go at it again, if we want to sign up for the challenge. So be present and be great in whatever you do today. Grab the torch and burn that baby to the ends. Never doubt your inner voice. We all have been discouraged to do so and it has gotten us into this damn mess from the beginning.

“The Secret to Happiness is Freedom – and the Secret to Freedom is Courage.”





Thank you HQ.


I have parents who live near Apopka. Because of their age I visit frequently (from Ojai, CA). Please keep us informed about events in central FL.


Great info . I have the cryptos you mentioned. Experience with cryto has taught me alot . Yes take profit when you can. I will not let the next bull run slip thru my fingers.


Arigato gozaimasu


Hey thanks for sharing! I was going to come over from Australia but couldn’t make it happen after the market dump. I’d love to see more posts if possible. Cheers


Well said. Thanks!


Thanks, great post! Side note, completely off topic: I have a friend who is relatively new to crypto and is neck deep in searching for the next SHIB. That is, coins with a half dozen zeros or more behind the decimal point. He's all about buying Bitgert and apparently a lot of hype behind it. Might throw a hundo or two to see if I can turn that into a new roof in the fall...


Hey Edd, I live near the Silver Springs - Ocala area! There's some great paddling at Silver Springs and Juniper Springs in the Ocala National Forest! I'll paddle with you guys! I've wanted to paddle King's Landing and visit Rock Springs & Wekiva Springs as well! Courtland https://courtlandrichards.zenfolio.com/f272603223


Live near there would love to meet up


WE did a session on BRISE not too long ago. Check it out. I believe the team liked it.


Ok Court you're in! For sure. I'll send out more info as we make arrangements. We've been to the KP hole tubing over there. Great fun@!


Thanks for the update and words of encouragement Edd. I'm all in on cryptos and just waiting out this grizzly bear moment. Wish I could escape the coming winter here and be in Florida or Hawaii though.