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Good morning friends and the Merriest of Christmas Cheer

I have a little update for you and even though it's not an Alert.
I thought it might help ease any stress coming into the Holidays and the "HOLIDAYS"

Yes, the legacy markets, economy, governments and most of the planet will be chilling and not paying much attention during the festive season.
With most of the officialdom getting drunk on power and cheap liquor, most decision-making is put on hold until after the festivities are done.
This can be a time for surprises-and, not the kind found under the tree.

Meanwhile, I have completed another full year in the crypto space and I have now officially been 20 months onboard the Cryptoviewing-Team Train.
It's been an "honor" ( excuse the spelling my Canadian friends )working with this team.
Enough with the niceties, now let's see what Santa has in his bag.

The feeling is one of a new beginning, that is a new bullish move heading into 2022.

My charts are showing me that we are bottom basing and both my time analysis and chart structure is suggesting any downside could still be sharp but also very temporary.
My graph below suggests we need a close above the 50K red line to negate our initial resistance. A close in the zone above 52K should confirm that we have turned the corner on this nasty correction. Over the holidays I still expect our green zone at the 52-55 level to be visited by Santa

From there we just need to build momentum during the last week of the year and into the first part of January.
According to my latest numbers, I expect the 60K reached before mid-January and from there we start the real move into February and our new target of 80K
Remember, my analysis especially time-wise is adjusted almost daily.
I know most of you are impatient but what I am seeing is a conservative estimate based on the latest data that I am given

Longer-term, I am looking for this current bullish pattern to continue now into April and possibly May. This of course can change but the good news is that if we follow this current trajectory, I see this bull run continuing longer than we projected back in October when I felt February or March was the possible top.

As usual, Dick and I will keep you all posted on any changes as they are revealed in my data.

In closing, I want to thank the team and all of the supporting staff, and especially you the members, because without you this would not be possible and not much fun.

Merry Christmas to you all, or in the case of our Hawaiian friends, Mele Kalikimaka




Thank you Martee. Merry Christmas.


Thank you to you and all of your team! Merry Christmas and wonderful , healthy, New Year!


MERRY CHRISTMAS MARTEE,DICK and All CryptoViewing Team ,And A Peaceful, Happy,New Woo YEAR TO YOU ALL‼️‼️‼️


Thank you Martee for all your shares. Very appreciated.


Thank you, and Merry Christmas Martee.


Your positivity is inspiring. Thanks for taking the time. Merry Christmas to you and yours, the CVers, and the CV fam. I have a gut feeling that 2022 is going to be an astounding and very good year for us all!


Merry Christmas, tyvm


You and Dick are the only reason I subscribe. Thanks Martee and MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND DICK .


Thank you Martee love your analysis!! Kat merry Xmas


Dick,, This is good news and hope it plays out like Marty is seeing. This feels right.. So I have to ask if the long extended down markers and what looks like a long protracted upward track is an indicator that the controllers have lost some control of manipulating the markets. If so it seems like it would be for them a slow motion movie of two trains colliding that they can not stop. This would be really interesting if it happened in the silver market where as I understand, for the controllers, their break even point is 28.00. If the silver price goes above that, they lose money. If silver matches Martee's crypto track, a long protracted up ward swing would be an amazing gift for everyone except for the manipulators. Fun stuff to consider Happy Holidays to everyone over at the CV team.


Thanks Martee, keep up the good work


Though we will probably see some upside again for the last week of '21, and maybe into the first week of January '22, we might not have seen the bottom yet. I would prepare for BTC to go below 30k before it will painfully start to build up again. I don't believe those billionaires will let us get rich easily. There's thousands of ERC tokens out there in order to create volatility and steal market cap from BTC. But all that enmity and FUD against BTC on the other hand underlines BTC's importance and its role as digital property you will be able to borrow against in the future.