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Good Evening

Just a quick update.

BTC behaving as expected. Sunday's video suggested a move to the zone of the mid '50s this week. We are on target to see the 54-56k challenged in the next couple of days and we can expect some resistance at that level.

Closing above the 56K could set us up for the real challenge which is the 59-64 zone. A close above 64 in my opinion would take us out of the woods and set us up for a test of our tops at the 65-69 range and possibly the run we all hoped for in December.

None of these are expected to be a walk in the park but if we get a surprise and clear these resistances without too much fanfare then I feel we could still get the 2 week run in December that is still possible.

In summary, we have lots of work but it is possible that the first resistance levels will be accomplished in the next week but we need a little help to close above the 60 level

Back in October, I repeatedly mentioned that my tIme analysis has progressed out to late January and into February. This is now more evident after this week's dump.

Overall the bullish patterns are still intact providing we DO NOT revisit the 42K level again. If that were to happen I would be deeply concerned about a crypto winter.
I mention this, NOT because I feel we are going there but rather that everybody needs to be realistic and prepare for it with a plan.
Crypto winters are long and harsh

Right now I am looking for the 55K in the coming days then pushing through with the 60K target hopefully in the near future.

Have a great evening



Hi Martee, I registered for the new course, could you plz cofirm you received payment? I am a bit worried for the LTC I send 🙄 (email)


This is assuming Evergrande, Tether, the US dollar etc. don't crash in the very near future?


Dick and Martee, any thoughts on this article titled “ We have DECODED the globalist plan to destroy Bitcoin and the DeFi crypto ecosystem… and they seek to replace it with heavily regulated digital wallets under totalitarian central bank control“ https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-12-07-decoded-the-globalist-plan-to-destroy-bitcoin-and-the-defi-crypto-ecosystem.html


Thanks Marty!


worst source, why not post a link to Peter Schiff … https://youtu.be/DSVnv3NZlW0 ( a dose of billionaire reality )


Certainly feels like it's going much lower before it's allowed to go up. Hope to be wrong!


Gracias Martino!!!


Penny Kelly predicted that Crypto would have a terrible time in January. Go to Crypto Chico's You Tube channel. He will explain what is happening in his last video. It all has to do with Binance and Tether......NOT GOOD NEWS! It could take the entire market down.


Optical Art is expecting one drop after another; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxBWpfV1mfM


Not sure who puts together these charts, but it doesn't look good for 2022; https://longforecast.com/bitcoin-price-predictions-2017-2018-2019-btc-to-usd


Just a ove 47 not good


She's just asking a question due to her concern. Why can't you be nice and understanding like a grown ass man?


wow...that is depressing!! so much for a 6 figure btc..


I followed these charts this last year and to my surprise, they were pretty accurate. No $100,000 BTC by the end of this year.


thanks, may start positioning into stable coins next week. should have locked in that 66K btc


Before doing anything, I always look at a higher timeframe first. 2D or 3D or a week..


Well we went to 42,333. Crypto winter??


It was an under 5 minute wick and didn't close down there. Guess it doesn't count as a daily candle close would


We would need to stay under 42k for over a day for crypto winter to be confirmed. So far... we are in bull market. stay strong, stay hodl.