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Quantum physics says that past, present and future exist simultaneously. It’s not Newtonian linear physics. In remote viewing your consciousness doesn’t travel in time, it taps into a quantum state from all realities that exists in all dimensions.


Dr Sherry Tenpenny and Dr Judy Mikovits give amazing info on the vaccine.


If you stop at light you reincarnate. Dick was correct about stopping to meet beings and relatives etc. Keep going through the light and you will pass through to your infinite connection to the source/god, whatever you want to name it. Your level of consciousness determines your ability to do this,


I’ve had people who have passed to contact me, my father, an old boyfriend who wanted forgiveness and wouldn’t leave me alone till forgiven. My father and I had an agreement that he would let me know once he was on the other side. He did so and smiled and kissed me on the forehead. I spontaneously left my physical body nearly every night for many years. There is definitely life after physical death of the body. I’m very psychic but do not practice as a psychic. I’ve also had encounters with ascended masters on the 5th dimension attending school and brought the info back.


Actual 4 British Airlines pilots died. Coincidence? https://twitter.com/TheThin59129130/status/1405468219998150658?s=20


Alex Collier once said, after you die, when you see the light, just turn around (180º), you will see the milky way and you should say " I wish to go home", and you will be sent directly to you home planet with your original family. (this is not a after-life advice, but definitely I will give it a try)




Penny Kelly had a "Look See" that showed planes falling from the sky !!


Delores Cannon has plenty of work on past lives Etc


Thanks so much, Dick and Team. This was fascinating and eye-opening. Much has been confirmed now, for me. I have an email group tht goes back 20 years. They have seen your videos for years, and I let them know when I joined here a week ago. (Finally!) Anyway, I almost implored them this morning to join your Patreon. This is one Patreon membership that I will not let lapse. Thanks so much for all you and your team do here at Crypto Viewing.


Dr. Fauci is going to have his Muammar Gaddafi moment !!


Can you recommend an author or a book on this subject ?


I nearly died for blood clotting after the vaccine or maybe did die and woke up feeling much more peaceful and serene. I had a sudden heart attack but survived. This was my experience of the evil human experiment.


Some get only saline water others the viral. Mine was viral I heard the nurse call out we need more virals when she saw me


SPIONS in play here, watch the amazing work by Polly - https://www.bitchute.com/video/GMtUZfHuQNlL/


Vitalic has adressed the quantum computer question on a podcast. He says the blockchain only changes when we say it changes and he uses the DAO event as an example. He goes on to say if quantum hacks become a common thing we may have to use quantum cryptography to just use the blockchain like a private key may be used just to let you do anything in the blockchain and the security layer would be quantum encrypted.


Regarding depopulation and this plandemic. If you REALLY think the "Ruler's of the World" didn't do this on purpose to get rid of MANY of us then you would be incredibly naïve!! Rockefeller's Project Lockstep May 10 2010 page 18 describing the pandemic, the lockdown, masks , social distancing and the rest, the ANGLO SAXON MISSION video July 17 2010 describing this EXACT SCENARIO, Edward Riordan's 2017 RV video's of the VIRUS, Fauci partnering up with Moderna in 2005 and the cover of the 2019 ECONOMIST MAGAZINE practically spelling out what they had in store for us; PLEASE!!! What more PROOF do you need!!


Zombification or control may be the main objectives, not necessarily depopulation.


I enjoyed this conversation. Kudos to all for the great questions and answers!


Love the Cryptoviewing work but On YouTube Dick consistently Dick states he cant say certain things in public and so on the private site he can speak more freely. But on here Dick is still saying I cant say certain things??????? What's the benefit of being here if the very important information cant be spoken freely on here aswell ?????? Feeling disillusioned ☹😷


I watched the whole conversation twice. Loved it. Not only informative (and a little scary in places) but good fun. What a super, varied team.


good job guys.-:)


Here in Europe it is tense too. Here is the llink for 2361 resolution and check the part 7.3 etc. about vaccination - 7.3. with respect to ensuring high vaccine uptake: 7.3.1. ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so themselves; 7.3.2. ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated; http://www.europeanrights.eu/public/atti/resolution_2361.pdf


My brother almost died from the Moderna Vaccine. 3 weeks now and he is still in the hospital barely able to walk. He was on a ventilator for a few days unable to breathe by himself after being found in his house unconscious. The JAB is worse than COVID and the media is SILENT!! PLEASE do some remote viewing on the vaccines you guys!! I watch videos of people dying, convulsing and paralyzed everyday from the jab on BITCHUTE.


I thought about maybe depopulation through transhumanism


You guys might want to watch Farsight Prime remote viewing the "Death Traps".....Apparently the white light after you die is a trap and it erase your memory and sends you back to earth...https://youtu.be/-IC76QuH4pE